Chapter Thirty Three- Not Enough

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In the back of Allisons car, Lydia rested her head on Rosies lap as she shook in fear of what she had just seen. The girls separated from the boys so they were able to get Lydia home. Rosie joined them as she was able to calm Lydia within seconds.

While Allison drove to Lydias to pick up some clothes so she could stay the night, Rosie stroked Lydias hair as she no longer whimpered. Since, Lydia has only muttered a few inaudible words but she did conjure up a sentence, describing wolfsbane.

The car came to a slow stop outside the Martin residence and Lydia shot up immediately. On her face there was no longer tears but stains from where they once were. She began to maneuver herself out of the car making Rosie attempt to stop her in case she saw something again.

"Im fine Rosie." Lydia snapped as she removed herself from Rosies grip. "Im sorry for snapping but Allison has no fashion taste. I need to get my own clothes before she puts one of her concoctions together."

She hopped out of the car and Rosie watched her walk into the house which Allison had just entered. On her phone, Rosie had received questions from Scott and Stiles asking for updates but she had already replied to them, reassuring that Lydia was fine and almost back to her normal self.

Rosie was alone with her thoughts about what had happened, how she felt at the start of the night and why Lydia saw wolfsbane at the ice rink. She waited until Allison and Lydia joined her in the car once more, Lydia now taking the seat in the front, with a huge bag of Lydias clothes for one night.

"Rosie did you want to stay over as well?" Allison said as she looked in the internal mirror back at Rosie while she drove down the road.

"No I'm okay. I don't think your dad really likes me that much." Lightening the mood once again, Rosie gave a small smile to Allison, indicating their inside knowledge.

The car glided down street after street until it became stationary outside the McCall house. Rosie thanked Allison and walked herself into the ill lit house, trying to be quiet as it was sort of late but as soon as she turned around from locking the door, two boys immediately pressured her.

"Is she okay?"

"Did she say anything else?"

"Why do you look so sad?"

"What do you think happened?"

Scott did not noticed Rosies almost exhausted expression. She wasn't in need of sleep but was tired of all the questions and the same crushing feelings she obtains in her mind. However Stiles noticed it.

"Shes fine. She seemed okay when she insulted Allisons fashion taste so I think shes fine now." Rosie rubbed her temples and began walking away from the boys, towards her room. "Im going to bed."

"Night." The two boys said in unison as they shared a look which showed that they were both concerned for her. Once Scott heard her door shut through his heightened senses, he turned to Stiles.

"What do you think that's about? She seems off doesn't she? Like not her usual self."

"Yeah, I don't know." He was still staring at the stairs that she once walked up, lost in thought.

"Did you do anything?" Scott said accusingly, as he questioned his best friend. It was as if he had turned to a detective and had no loyalties to anyone.

"What? No." Stiles snapped out of his trance and spoke jumpily, like he feared that he had in fact done something to hurt Rosie or annoy her. "I mean I don't think so."

"Go talk to her. Don't worry I wont listen in."

For a moment, Stiles stood looking at Scott, thinking of what he would say but then nodded and walked up the stairs. Before walking into her room, he knocked and waited patiently for Rosie to call him in. Which she did.

When he opened the door she was lying on her bed, looking up. From an outsiders perspective she looked fine but internally she felt numb. Stiles approached her and stood at the end of the bed.

"Um. Are you angry at me or annoyed or something?"

"Have I a reason to be?" She sat up and propped herself on her elbows as she looked him in the eyes.

"Well- no- I mean I don't think so. You just seem- well- not yourself. I was just wondering if it was because of something I had done or said." He stuttered, nervous that he could ruin things there and then.

"Im tired Stiles."

"Okay. Ill leave you to sleep then. Do you want the light out-"

"Im tired of this feeling." She interrupted making Stiles' lips curl down.

"What feeling?" The bed went down as Stiles slowly took a seat on the right side of it. On his face he wore an open expression, ready to listen to her. Like he always would.

"Never being good enough."

"You are enough. You're more than enough." Stiles spoke instantly and assured her with his fast paced talking.

"Stiles, I wore a tracksuit to our first date when the girls wore nice clothes." She laughed to herself although she didn't feel happy. "I mean Lydia wasn't even technically on a date but she still wore something nice."

"Well, you said it wasn't our first date." Attempted Stiles but was shot down by the look from Rosie. "I think you looked nice tonight. Really I do."

"I wanna put effort in to the way I look but I just don't do it." Ignoring his compliment she carried on.

"Then why don't you?" He asked but did not mean it in a passive aggressive way but meant it as if he really wanted to know the reason. There was a silence which passed between the two.

"I never even really wanted him. But I still made an effort. I wore a dress which I would never usually wear, makeup I had never used before and even shaved my legs." Once again she laughed through it but Stiles did not reciprocate the laugh as he caught on to what she was talking about. Her date with Sam. "It was euphoric. To stare in the mirror and feel happy with the way I looked."

"Is that why you were against telling Scott?"

Slowly she nodded and looked away from Stiles, diverting her eye contact with him. "Telling Scott meant it was real. Real enough so I could get hurt again. Not telling him meant I lived in a sort of dream like state, with you."

"But you know I would never hurt you."

"My dad said the same thing."

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