Chapter Four- Time To Party

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Stiles and Rosie stood in her bedroom as he was treating the marks on her neck. He was using water and some bandage he found in Melissas first aid kit in the kitchen.

"Does it hurt?"

"Well seeing as I never noticed it before, no." After saying that he put another liquid onto the cuts making her flinch. "Okay maybe it does."

"So you don't remember anything from last night?"

"Nope. I don't remember getting home or how I actually got home. What do you think did it?" She sighed, frustrated with her lack of memory before lying on her bed.

"Or who." Stiles then followed as he lied beside her.

"Are you talking about the man earlier, Derek Hale?"

"Well he looked like he could you know?" Stiles was now fidgeting on the bed beside her.

"He looked hot I know that." Rosie turned her head so she was now facing Stiles and close to his face. "I always see the good in people you know. "

"Yeah you do." He looked at her and smiled before looking back up at the ceiling. After a moment of silence he broke the silence by saying. "That's one of the reasons why I love you."

When he went to look at her reaction after he realized what he just said, she was fast asleep, her blonde hair sprawled across the pillow beneath her head. He smiled, disappointed that she didn't hear his confession but actually happy she didn't in case she would have reacted wrong. Before leaving he pulled her dark green covers over her so she wouldn't get cold.

Slowly he closed her door, not making a sound when he heard creaking on the stairs. Scott appeared with a smile on his face all because of his interaction with Allison at the vets earlier. When they locked eyes they both gave a cheeky grin before saying their goodbyes as Scott went into his room and Stiles went to his jeep.


Everyone was at the Lacrosse tryouts. Scott, Stiles and Jackson who were trying out and Rosie and Alisson who were just watching them. The boys were currently in a group gathered around coach who was giving one of his famous inspirational speeches.

"Do you think he will make first line?" The blonde asked the brunette.

"Well after yesterday how could he not? He caught every ball and he had a lot of skill."

"Well I see you've been examining my brother lacrosse skills very closely, is there a reason for that Miss Argent?" Rosie asked cheekily.

"Maybe there is Miss McCall." They both looked at each other and cringed. "He asked me to go to the party last night when I showed up at his work."

"Would you be mad if I said I already knew that?" Alisson looked shocked but not annoyed. "Hes my twin, telepathy. But anyway, was family night cancelled or something?"

The whistle then blew and rung in their ears indicating the start of the tryouts. Each of them had their game faces on, some were real and some were drawn on, and readied themselves for the mini-games.

"Oh you know family night was just an excuse for me not to go. It just worried me that id be going to a party where I know like one person."

"I better be that one person otherwise there will be trouble." Together they laughed and faced forward to watch the aggressive boys playing Lacrosse. Stiles was sat on the bench while Scott was whipping around players, even flipping over them so he was able to score causing the rest of the boys to congratulate him on his skill.

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