Chapter Two- Memory Loss

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Gears on Scotts bike rattled as he pedaled fast so he could be at school in time because as he said many times over the last summer this year things will be different. His sister sat on the handlebars just like she always did no matter how old they are. This was their transport to school as their mother had the car.

Once they arrived at the familiar school Scott started to lock his bike up while a silver Porsche drove right next to him. The door opened hitting Scott in the back and revealed Beacon Hills finest jerk, Jackson Whittemore.

"Hey, watch the paintjob." Jackson sneered at Scott then looked to his sister beside him. "You know Rosie I could give you a lift in my Porsche anytime instead of getting back on that falling apart bike."

"Nah im fine actually, wouldn't want to get in there." She pointed to the silver car as she scrunched her nose. "Your cars a representation of your 'falling apart' relationship with daddy."

Jackson dropped the smirk he was wearing and walked off, pretending like her words didn't sting. Ever since Jackson knew the girl he would always try to flirt with her and she never knew if it was just to annoy Scott or because he wanted another plaything. As he walked off Scott then let out the laugh he had been holding while Jackson was still near. The twins then walked over to the front of the school and waited for Stiles.

"Did you see the look on his face he looked defeated."

"Yeah well he needs to be brought down to earth once in a while you know." They both kept laughing as students flurried into the school front doors. "So what are you supposed to be showing me and Stiles?"

"Last night when we were separated I got attacked, well bitten."

A buzz cut boy then walked over to them animatedly and began smiling eagerly at the two, waiting for Scott to show them. After Scott and rosie said nothing but exchanged confused looks he finally spoke. "Come on show us it then."

Scott grabbed the bottom of his shirt and fiddled with it until he was sure no one was close enough to see the bite, so he then lifted it up to unveil the large bandage stuck along the right side of his body, near his hip. There was blobs of blood soaking through it and when Stiles tried to touch it, Scott flinched from the sudden touch.

"It was too dark to see but im pretty sure it was a wolf."

"A wolf bit you?" The trio were now walking into the school ready for their first day. Continuing their conversation as they walked nearer to the school. Rosie stayed quiet and listened to the two bicker about how Scott could not have been bitten by a wolf as they have not been around in Beacon Hills for more than 60 years. Also Scott casually added that he found the other half of the body.

"That is fricking awesome that's going to be the best thing that's happened to this town since the birth of..." Stiles trailed off as he looked in the direction of Rosie but she however turned to look at who she thought he was looking at, Lydia Martin. She then turned back and beamed at Stiles who was still looking at her lovingly. "Wait Rosie how did you get home last night?"

"Um." The blonde tried to recall the events which occurred after her seperation from her twin but there was nothing to be found. "I don't actually know, probably walked home and cant remember because of the shock of the deers which charged into us. Come on lets get into class."

The classroom had the same smell every other classroom had; paper, books and fresh pencils. Chairs and desks were placed with equal spacing as if a perfectionist had done it. Rosie entered first out of the three and sat near the middle of the classroom as it was the best seats to sit in. Stiles then followed and sat in front of her with Scott sitting next to him.

Rosie grabbed her notebook and pen placing it on her desk while delving deep into her mind trying to remember how she actually got home. Deep into her mind their was snippets of last night like when Stiles had given her his coat. That reminded her. His coat. She didn't have it in her room at home this morning but doesn't remember taking it off. So it must be in the forest where she left it.

Removing Rosie from these thoughts the classroom door whipped open with a beautiful girl standing behind their principal. The girl had dark chocolate hair, curled and contained the body language of someone very shy. She must be new, Rosie thought and so did the rest of them.

"Class this our new student, Allison Argent. Please do your best to make her feel welcome."

Stiles turned around to Rosie hinting to look at her brother who was mesmerized by the new girl as if she was the opening page of a new book. Turning back to Stiles she chuckled at how concentrated Scott was on the poor shy girl standing in front of the whole class.

Alisson moved quickly across the classroom as she tried to escape the embarrassment of standing in front of the whole class. Beside Rosie and behind Scott was an empty seat which the new girl rushed to sit in. When she sat down Rosie gave her a smile and mouthed hey which she happily returned so that Allison was able to feel calmer. As she was settling into her seat Scott immediately turned around with a pen.

"Well that's one way of saying hello, is that some nerdy language you two have made up?" Rosie leant forward and whispered into Stiles ear making him jump at the close proximity the girl was in to him.

After lowering his heart rate he turned back to her.

"Hey you're a nerd too. You're one of us you know Rosie."

She sat back in her seat smiling as Scott turned back to the teacher who was now speaking of what boring page they should be on. As he continued Rosie then leant over to the new girl and started whispering to her.

"You wont be the new girl forever. Soon people will believe you were here all along. I'm Rosie by the way."

"Im Alisson. Ive been in this lesson for 2 seconds and I also feel like I've enrolled into Boring Hills High School." Alisson replied and the two girls chuckled a little two loudly as both Stiles and Scott began looking at each other weirdly as if it wasn't normal to speak to the new girl.

"Girls if we can stop talking that would be great." Their teacher turned to them and raised his, what should have been, eyebrows although they were too blonde to be seen.

"How do you do that?" Stiles asked as soon as they left the class and began walking away from the new girl who throughout that lesson continued talking to Rosie.

"Do what?" Rosie asked. "Talk to someone?"

"No not just someone. The new girl. How can you talk to her without having a panic attack or having your voice crack?" Her twin joined in.

"Well unlike you Scott I don't begin my conversations with giving random pens without saying anything. Should have seen her face she looked so confused." She pushed her brothers' shoulder as she teased him. "When she walked in you looked infatuated with her."

"What does that mean?" Scott asked making Rosie roll her eyes but before she could explain to him he moved his head from his locker and towards the girl herself who was now being approached by Lydia Martin.

"Can someone tell me how new girl is here all of five minutes and now in Lydias clique?"

"Because shes hot." Stiles replied bluntly. "Beautiful people herd together."

The girl then moved away and had a look of disgust or jealousy struck on her face. Rosie then turned to see Scott still fixated on Allison and then turned to Stiles.

"Im Lydias friend. Are you calling me beautiful or hot Stiles Stilinski?" She teased him.

"Um yeah-I mean hot-no beautiful. Both?" the panic stricken boy replied nervously as he walked into the situation himself.

"Stiles I'm just messing with you." From across the hall Lydia waved Rosie over and before walking over to her she said to the boys "See you later."

"So you think my sister is hot and beautiful then?"

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