Chapter Fifty Two- Do It

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His jaw was wide open, like his hazel eyes as he took all of Rosie in while she tried her hardest to not laugh at his dramatic reaction. She stood in the doorway in silence, waiting for Stiles to finally say something.

"Grease huh?" He finally spoke and spoke with a joke while his eyes continuously wandered her body and kept meeting with hers. "You look very good by the way- not that you don't any other day."

"Stiles, stop with excusing yourself after every compliment. Thank you." Rosie walked over to the desk where Stiles stood and looked in the drawers which he had left open. "So, what are we looking for?"

"Don't laugh, okay?" Her nose scrunched in confusion at what could she be laughing at when they are in a werewolf hunters office, other than Stiles' stuttering. "The bestiary."

Shaking her head, Rosie pretended as if she was not being her childish self and was not internally thinking of him looking for beastiality in Gerard's office. "Im not laughing. But did you find it?"

"No its not here. Ive texted Allison and-" Once again he was made jump by a blonde girl in the doorway but this time it was not Rosie doing the scaring and she too, was in fact scared.

"Hey Stiles. Hey Rosie." Erica stood in the doorway, wearing the same devious smile she always wore when she was up to something malevolent. "You do know you're both coming with me right?"

"I don't think we are." The other girl protested and for once was no longer scared of the werewolf stood in front of her, which Stiles did not approve of as he went to stand in front of Rosie protectively but Erica got in front before he could.

"You know, we have our suspicions about you. Bitten by an alpha. Healed over night. But not a werewolf. Now what could you be?"

"If you think I'm whatever that thing is, I'm not." Her tongue brushed against her front teeth as she moved closer to Ericas face, who smiled and looked to Stiles. He automatically looked away, not wanting to meet her eyes.

"Well we will see about that." She whipped her claws out and grabbed both of Rosies arms, bending them backwards, causing her to cry out in pain. Erica then looked at Stiles who was willing to break the grip between Rosie and a werwolf. "You'll come along wont you baby."

"Just don't hurt her." Stiles replied to the puppy talk with gritted teeth, as he followed the werewolf and his Rosie towards the swimming pool. Erica opened the door and revealed Derek holding a basketball.

Rosie was pushed in front of Derek who simply smiled at her as Erica walked beside him. After she was pushed, Stiles helped her regain her balance as he placed her beside him.

"Stiles." Although he was directing his speech to Stiles, Derek kept his eyes on Rosie. "What did you see at the mechanics garage?"

"Uh... Several alarming EPA violations that I'm seriously considering reporting." The two werewolf's in front of them laughed together at Stiles' sarcastic response but stopped when Derek dug his nails into the basket ball he was holding, threatening Stiles.

"Lets try that again. What did you see at the mechanics garage?"

"Alright the thing was pretty slick-looking. Um. Skin was dark. Kind of patterned. Uh. I think I actually saw scales. Is that enough?" Stiles answered hesitantly while Derek and Erica was still burning holes into Rosies face, with a sort of smile on their face.

"Rosie, what did you see?" Derek now turned his speech to her, not altering his eyes from her own.

"I wasn't there, I was in the bathroom." For some reason this made the two werewolves laugh, both Rosie and Stiles didn't know for sure why they were laughing but deep down Stiles had an idea.

"Erica." The alpha nodded his head as if he was silently commanding her without the need to say something. Erica walked up to Rosie and once again dug her claws into her arm and dragged her in front of Derek, only a foot away.

"Hey. Whats going on?" Stiles cried, as he began walking up to Rosie but Erica softly ushered him back behind them.

"Don't you find it weird how my uncle bites you and you heal but don't become one of us."

"Gladly so." Rosie spat back through gritted teeth which seemed as if they would be glued together as long as she was in the presence of these two.

"I hate to do this to you, but its just protocol. You know its you." His muscly arms wrapped around Rosies neck as he spun her around and placed her in a tight headlock, making it hard to breathe. Bring his claws out once more, he aimed them at her neck, ready to slash it.

"Stop!" The feeble boy cried out from the hold of Erica. She had gained hold of him when Derek maneuvered Rosie into a tight hold.

"You know what she is. I can hear your heartbeat and smell the fear. You're not scared of me killing her, you're scared of her and what she turns to."

"No hes not. He knows that's not me out there killing things." Rosie blurted out as she struggled underneath the Alphas grip and she attempted to regain some air to breathe. However, unlike she expected, Stiles just looked to the ground with saddened and scared eyes. "Stiles?"

"Oh how heartbreaking." Patronizingly Erica let go of Stiles and pouted her bottom lip out at Rosie like a child.

"S-Stiles?" She stuttered as she couldn't believe what she was witnessing. The secrets which he had been hiding had now been exposed to her and she now knew why he was so distant. He was scared of her. He believed she was the creature killing so many people. "I told you I saw it."

"They're- lying." Stiles replied, stammering as he evaded his eyes from meeting hers rubbed the back of his neck. Watching him, her hope dropped as he knew him too well that he was the one lying.

"You do that thing with your neck when your lying." She bit her lip to stop it trembling as she still was in Dereks grip.

"I didn't know for sure okay? I just- I just thought it was a coincidence. I don't know what I was thinking-"

"You were thinking right." Interrupted Derek as he rolled his eyes at the elongated conversation between the two teenagers. "Before I do this, thanks for the hot stranger compliment. Still think about that daily."

"No, you don't have to do this. You have no valid proof. No evidence." He stepped forward, prepared to rip Rosie away from Dereks claws.

"Of course the Sheriffs son wants evidence."

"Better be safe than sorry, Stiles. But here I am. Sorry for your loss." The alpha said with a changed expression on his face. No longer devious but instead, sort of saddened.

Rosie looked into Stiles' brown orbs one last time before voluntarily lifted her head up, making it easier for her throat to be slashed open.

"Do it." She said, a single tear falling out of her pooled eye. "Do it."

Healing Love- Stiles StilinskiHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin