"She hit the target," Emma sounded impressed, "Not bad. Guess when I get home I'll show her how it's done."

There was a loud "no" that Sam could hear from the phone, which caused Emma to lightly laugh.

"Okay, okay. I won't." Emma says, "I uh- I have to go, but I really appreciated the call. I'll call as soon as I can. Send my love to Morgan."

Sam watches Emma nod.

"Right. Right. I love you too, Pepper." Emma says and hung up.

Emma glanced at Sam.

He looks at her.

"How are things at home?" Sam asks.

Emma placed her phone in her pocket, "Pepper has her hands full with Morgan. She's practically a little Tony." She says smiling.

"That sounds like a handful," Sam comments.

Emma nods smiling.

"I miss them," She admitted, "I miss being a family."

Sam glanced at her with a worried look.

"When was the last time you've been at the cabin?" Sam asks.

Emma looks at Sam, "His funeral." She says with tears in her eyes, "I- I just couldn't stay another night in that cabin without my dad."

Sam could understand that.

"I moved out and I didn't look back. Pepper helped me find a place and offered me work at the company, but- but I guess I just wanted to stay away." Emma says.

"You'll have to go back and face them at some point," Sam says, "Not just Pepper and Morgan, but everyone you're avoiding. Peter. Happy."

Emma looks down.

"Michael." Sam says.

Emma shifts her eyes to Sam.

"When was the last time you visit Michael in the prison he's being kept in?" Sam asks.

Emma tilts her head, "Why'd you give up the shield, Sam?" She asks, "I can play that game too."

Sam shakes his head, "I'm not playing a game-,"

"And neither am I," Emma says, "Look, Michael is not my father. I- I've washed my hands of him years ago and I never plan on seeing him again. I've made my bed and I don't care if he's alive or not."

Sam isn't surprised of the rage she holds against him, mostly after how Emma explained that Michael Sterling tortured her to find a way to create a superhero. They created a decent inhuman in the process as well as a traumatized child.




After Bucky had spoken to Zemo, somehow the three of them ended up at this old service station. Bucky was going on to Emma and Sam about a plan to get Zemo out of the prison.

"What are you talking about?" Sam asks, "You wanna break Zemo outta jail?"

The room they were in was dark.

Emma generated a small bolt of electricity sparking hovering over her fingers. She created somewhat of light, it was better than Sam's and Bucky's flashlights.

"Where the hell are we, Buck? Have you lost your mind?" Sam asks.

Bucky sighs and sounded annoyed, "We have no leads, no moves, nothing."

They wander through the darkness, trying to find a way to light up the space they were in. Sam still disliking what Bucky is suggesting, and meanwhile, Emma isn't sure what to take from it. She trusts Bucky, but she knows how dangerous Zemo is.

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