Chapter 52 - "Off Grid"

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We had picked our bedrooms that we were going to sleep in with our men. I chose the same bedroom that the giant and I had slept in the last time. I loved it. It was spacious and also cozy. The mansion was now buzzing. The women had arrived an hour ago but I have been hiding in the bedroom. Don't judge me guys okay. If you were me, you would also be hiding. I just wasn't ready to be gossiped about and getting sneered at. Those women really didn't like me at all, and when together, they were an intimidating bunch. I was just going to wait until the giant arrived. Yeah I know, cowardly move, but what else could I do? The reason why I could hear them was because they chose to sit in the sitting area that was close to my bedroom. I knew for a fact that Philasande had closed herself in the bedroom she was going to be sleeping in with Temba. We have been texting back and forth ever since the women had arrived an hour ago. I didn't know where Phozisa was, but she was different than Philasande and I because she actually conversed with the other women since she has known them longer. My phone pinged. It was a text message from Philasande. It read: "Hear them making a noise." I giggled. They were really making a noise. I could hear Mandisa's voice. She's the one who hated me the most and she was also the instigator of all things negative. She was Kevin's girlfriend. She was of those women who were loud and boisterous, and one of those women who wanted everyone's attention to be on them and to be the one who's always talking. She prided herself in knowing and having experienced anything and everything. She hated me because apparently I thought myself to be better than them since I was dating the giant, which was laughable in any sense because I really didn't think myself to be better than them. You guys know me. But that's how she felt. She believed that I wouldn't last at being the giant's woman. That's what I heard her saying this other time, and I'm sure she meant for me to hear because she was speaking so loudly and everything. My insecurities had stuck out their heads at that, but I tried my very best to keep my face neutral so that the giant didn't see that something had been eating me. So I'm sure you guys get a picture of Mandisa. I replied to Philasande's text saying, "making a noise is their thing." She replied saying, "True. Especially that hateful Mandisa. I really don't like her. I honestly believe that the other women wouldn't be as bad if Mandisa wasn't in the picture. I don't know what Kevin sees in her." I sighed. I also didn't know. Before I could reply, she sent another text saying, "let me shower so that I can at least try to sleep while I wait for my Teddy." I replied saying, "I also want to shower but I don't have toiletries and clothes to change into. I hope the giant brings me my things." She replied saying, "look through the drawers. There should be some t-shirts or something of his there. And the en suites are always stocked up with toiletries." I went to look in one of the drawers and checked if I could find a t-shirt at least.. I squealed when I found a t-shirt. It was definitely the giant's t-shirt. I took the t-shirt with me to the bathroom and it was as she had said, there were toiletries. I did a whoop and took a shower.

I just finished taking a shower, when I heard male voices. The men had arrived which meant I could finally see my giant. I quick moisturized my body and wore the t-shirt. "You ugly women, where's my woman?" I heard him barking. Oh my gosh! I couldn't help but laugh. Like, seriously guys? Where did he come from? I heard one of the women telling him that I was in the bedroom. Not even a minute later, the bedroom door opened. He just stood by the door and stared at me. The way he was looking at me, it was like he was taking me in. I don't know why, but I suddenly felt shy. I fiddled with my hands and smiled shyly at him. He grunted, and then he was moving towards me. When he got to me, he pulled me to his arms and squeezed me tight breathing me in.
Zanoxolo; "My heart." He growled. Oh my gosh! This man guys... "are you okay?" I nodded against his chest... "were you scared?" I nodded again... "I'm sorry baby." He kissed the top of my head... "no one is going to touch you." He vowed. Oh my gosh. He let me go and he sat on the bed pulling me to his lap. I sat facing him. He put his arms around my waist and pulled me tight into him, and then he started to brush his nose all over my neck. He did that for a long while and I just basked in the feeling of being in my man's arms. I loved this man bethuna. He pulled away and looked at me... "you trust me?"
Me: "Yes Zano." He grunted squeezing my ass possessively and kissed me. This kiss was not his famous hard and rough ones. Although it was still domineering, it was also slow and sweet. Yum! I made a noise of protest when he pulled away.
Zanoxolo: "Wear your jeans baby. We're going to have a meeting with everyone. They're probably waiting for us downstairs already." Speaking of which, I couldn't hear the women anymore.
Me: "Meeting about?" I said getting off his lap.
Zanoxolo: "You'll hear at the meeting." I rolled my eyes and wore my jeans. I wasn't looking forward to seeing the other women but I couldn't hide from them forever. After wearing my shoes, we left the room. Everyone was really waiting for us downstairs. The women threw annoyed and irritated looks my way and I avoided eye contact with any of them. All of the men greeted me with the nickname they gave me which caused me to blush embarrassingly. I stood next to the twins whilst the giant went to the front of the room to address everyone. It was a full room people... "so listen up. Everyone needs to switch off their phones. We are all going off grid starting from this moment." There were a lot of grumbles coming from the women... "anyone who has something to say can say it to my face." That shut them up. The twins snorted. Everyone took out their phones and switched it off, including me... "good. Next, no one will be leaving this safe house until I tell them otherwise. And that includes going to work."
Mandisa: "Can I ask-."
Zanoxolo: "No you can't." He cut her off.
Mandisa: "But for how long do we have to be stuck here?"
Zanoxolo: "Until I say otherwise. So make sure that your phones stay off. If I find any of you disobeying my order-."
Mandisa: "But why should we all suffer when the person who's being targeted is Busisiwe?" Oh my gosh! Did she just cut the giant off? The giant's face went cold. That's the only way I could describe how his whole face changed. I've seen so many of the giant's glares but I've never seen this one. It was a mixture of everything. The room was silent and tense. Mandisa shrank to herself.
Zanoxolo: "Kevin, control your woman before I put a bullet through her head."............

The Giant and His Heart. [Light at the end of the tunnel]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant