Children of the Dark Pt. 2

Start from the beginning

"So you and him huh?" Carrie asks and I laugh.

"Are we really that obvious?" I ask and she smiles wide.

"You guys are cute together." She states and I nod.

"Yeah, we kinda are." I say more to myself as I stare at Morgan talking with Hotch. Two older people walk in and ask for Carrie. They hug tightly before Carrie walks over to me and gives me a quick hug.

"Can I ask you something?" She asks and I nod.
"Did you ever want to get back at your birth parents for what they did to you?" She asks and my mouth goes dry.

"Yeah, I won't lie to you. I've been trying to find them and bring justice." I tell her honestly.

"That makes me feel normal now." She chuckles causing me to join.

"Don't hesitate to call." I tell her as I tap my number in her hand. She nods before waving and rejoining her grandparents. I smile at the door for a while before getting up and helping Hotch.

"So what's gonna happen to the kids?" I ask as I help put files away.

"They are going into the system." Hotch informs me and I stop shuffling papers.

"What?" I ask devastated.

"I'm sorry Del la Cruz." He tells me. I nod and swallow hard.

"Is it possible for me to maybe take some in?" I ask and he looks up at me.

"To live with you?" He asks and I nod.

"I mean yea... I have room. And enough money to support them." I tell him.

"Isla, with the job we have you wouldn't be home. This job takes a lot of our time, you wouldn't be able to give your all. Just look at me." He says devastated.

"You are an amazing father, Jack loves you. And you're right, I mean I don't even want kids. I just...I don't know." I sigh looking into the room where the children sit.

"I'll see if maybe I can put them in a home in Virginia." Hotch tells me. I perk up and smile.

"Thank you Hotch." I tell him and he gives me a tight lipped smile. I walk to the room and open the door.

The little girl jumps from her seat and latches onto my legs. Tyler slides off his chair and walks over. I ruffle his hair and pick up the little girl.

"Hey kiddos." I murmur.

"Are you leaving?" Tyler asks sadly and I bite my lip.

"I'm sorry. I tried but with my job I wouldn't be able to be there for you." I explain.

"It's okay. I knew it was a long shot." He says looking at his shoes. I put the little girl on my hip, holding her with my left arm. My right arm wraps around Tyler's back and pushes him to me.

"I'm so sorry. But my boss said you two might be able to live in Virginia. So Derek and I can come visit when we can." I tell him as I hug him.

"Really?" The little girl asks excitedly causing her long brown hair to sway.

"That's right munchkin." A voice booms behind me. I turn my head and see Derek standing there with a small smile. "I just came to say bye, Hotch said we leave in 30." Morgan notifies me. I nod and let the little girl go, placing her feet on the cool floor. I crouch in front if her and fix her dress slightly.

Her small finger traces my face, staring from the tip of my nose than trailing down to my chin. "Pretty." She whispers.

I chuck and playfully nibble her finger when it comes near my mouth. She giggles loudly and jumps once. I get up once she turns around and lunges into Dereks arms. He groans and picks her up. I look down slightly to the 13 year old boy.

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