Chapter 50 - "A New Friend?"

Start from the beginning

We were now sitting in the dining room eating. The food that Phozisa had cooked was really delicious people.
Philasande: "So I heard that you and Zanoxolo are getting married soon." She said softly. I nodded... "how are the wedding plans coming along?" Every time I thought about the wedding, I just got a headache. They said, a woman looks forward to planning her wedding but that wasn't the case for me because I wasn't planning it. I groaned in misery, annoyance and frustration. They laughed... "and then? Is it that bad?" Phozisa filled her in. Philasande looked at me with pity in her eyes... "yeah, I would also be like you. I struggle to speak up sometimes so to keep peace I keep quiet, even my teddy hates it." Aww, how sweet and cute that she refers to Temba as 'my teddy'. I smiled.
Me: "We're the same in that case then, because when I don't speak up for myself, it irritates and frustrates the hell out of Zano."
Phozisa: "You're both are too sweet. I wouldn't let anyone tell me how to plan my wedding. Yes, they can suggest and advice but not take over."
Me: "They're both his mothers. What can I do? Xolile's mother is better but Diana is just too much."
Phozisa: "I love and respect Xolile's mother but I wouldn't let her take over the planning of my wedding."
Philasande: "You're an outspoken person by nature so it would be easy for you not to let her take over." I nodded agreeing... "the only person I can stand up to is Teddy." She said smiling shyly. We all giggled. We were really alike because I also can stand up to the giant...sometimes...but the point is I wasn't afraid to speak out to him.
Phozisa: "Yeah. I always say you're different when you with Temba. You're fierce." Philasande rolled her eyes.
Philasande: "He frustrates and annoys me so much guys, you have no idea."
Me: "The giant frustrates and annoys me too. Sometimes I feel like pulling out my hair."
Philasande: "The giant?" She laughed and Phozisa joined in.
Phozisa: "Can you believe that she calls him that to his face?" Philasande's eyes widened.
Philasande: "Really?" I rolled my eyes.
Me: "Only because he won't stop calling me 'woman'."
Philasande: "But still. I can't believe you call him that. I'm sorry but I'm really terrified of your man. I make sure that I'm not in the same room as him if Teddy is not there."
Phozisa: "I'm also terrified of him. I avoid any eye contact with him because I feel like he would kill me just for looking at him." I laughed. Oh my gosh!They were exaggerating. Right? I mean the giant wasn't that bad people.
Me: "He's not that terrifying...okay well...sometimes...but he's not as you say." They both snorted.
Phozisa: "He's your man so of course you would say that." Philasande nodded.
Philasande: "When you first met him, how did you feel?" My eyes widened remembering that day.
Me: "Terrified."
Philasande: "You see?!" I laughed. Okay I saw their point... "I remember when Temba had first introduced me to him. I wanted to pee myself."
Phozisa: "Me too!" We all laughed.
Philasande: "The way he was glaring at me, I will never forget it."
Phozisa: "That glare is cold and hard. I have nightmares about it sometimes." No ways.
Me: "You guys are over exaggerating now. He's a softie on the inside actually." They burst out laughing.
Philasande: "I used to be so scared when my teddy would tease him and the only thing on your man's face would be death. When we would get home, I would tell Teddy to stop with his teasing because I was really afraid that Zanoxolo would end up killing him."
Phozisa: "Me too. I would say the same to Xolile but he would just laugh at me like what I just said to him was ridiculous." Philasande nodded in agreement.
Philasande: "But as time went by I could see that he really loved his friends. He would literally die for them." She told me... "Temba always tells me how Zanoxolo protects each one of them when they go on missions. He never leaves any of them behind." Oh my gosh! My giant!
Phozisa: "Yeah. That's why they all love and respect him. They follow his every word because they know he wouldn't lead them astray." If my giant risked his life for them, who would do the same for him? I've seen how he is with his friends. He really does love them. And I can also see that the love and respect they have for him....and most importantly...the amount of trust they put in him is huge. They're all a tight knit which is hard to find nowadays.

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