Chapter 47 - "The Therapist"

Start from the beginning

It was the next day. I was all alone in the apartment. The giant was at work. When I asked him about what important stuff he was going to be doing at work next week, he said we'll talk tonight. Mxm! He's so annoying and frustrating people! He was just making me more nervous. I'm sure he was going on another dangerous mission again. I know that I should be now getting used to the line of work that the giant did at work, but it was hard. I just couldn't stop myself from worrying that something bad or tragic would happen to him. What would I do! Please God not my giant. My phone rang, it was Andy. I huffed and muted my phone. Yes, I hadn't cut my friends off yet. I was struggling to people. Especially about cutting off Fiona. I think I had to hear her out first before I did that, but I wasn't ready to talk to her. Andy has been calling me for the past two days now, and I haven't picked up to any of her calls obviously. I don't know what she wanted from me because I don't think it was possible to go back to what and how we were. She wants my man people. So how could we continue being friends? Even knowing this, it was hard to officially cut her off. My phone flashed. It was a text message from her. I reluctantly viewed it - it read "Why aren't you answering my phone calls Busi? Don't tell me you're mad about what happened that day at Spur. Technically, I saw him first so you stole him from me. And you can't be seriously thinking that this relationship you guys have will go anywhere. Your innocence was the thing that attracted him to you in the first place, and since he has taken it already, sooner or later he'll leave you." I read her text message maybe about four times if not five. I was so angry guys. I mean, how dare she say this shit to me? And to say that I stole Zano from her. Bitch! Imagine! I didn't think that she was right in her right head. What made me so angry was the part about my innocence. She really took me as nothing people, because she clearly stated that the only reason why the giant started something with me was because I was a virgin at that time. I don't want to lie people, when I first read her text, my demons did threaten to come back, but I blocked them. Yes, I'm not confident in my beauty...I lack guys know this but that didn't mean that I didn't know what she said was total bullshit. I mean, if it was the case, the giant wouldn't bother with marrying me, and also besides that, I see how deep and genuine for me my man's love is for me which means that he sees something in me...something worthy that I also don't see in myself. After a while, I started laughing so hard, like tears were even rolling down my cheeks guys. Maybe I was starting to go crazy but I didn't care. Once I started, I couldn't seem to stop. The whole situation was just funny, and what made it funnier was thinking about how Andy would react if she knew that the giant and I were engaged and that the wedding was in five months. Wouldn't she die people? She would faint. I was actually glad that I didn't tell them. I want them to be shocked. And see me married already. I decided to block Andy right then and there. The text she sent me just made it clear that we really couldn't be friends, and that I didn't want to be friends with her anymore. I just couldn't. As the giant had said before, she was toxic.

I was making myself lunch when I heard a knock on the door. I frowned went to check the peephole. I was so surprised when I saw that it was Sophia. The giant's little sister. I opened the door.
Sophia: "Hey Busi. How are you? Is my brother home?" She said all of this while inviting herself in. I looked to see if she came with her mother, but there was no one in the outside hallway. I closed the door.
Me: "Hey. How did you get here?" I mean she was twelve people.
Sophia: "The driver brought me. What is that smell? Smells delicious. Can I have some too?" She asked going to the kitchen. I followed her.
Me: "Does your mother know you're here?" She rolled her eyes and opened the fridge.
Sophia: "Of course, don't worry. Anyway, I'm starved. Can I have some of what you're cooking?" She said closing the fridge and biting on the apple that she took from the fridge. I blinked and nodded. I was taken aback people, because ever since I've been in the giant's life, Sophia has never spoken five words to me. I didn't get the vibe that she didn't like me or just felt like she was observing me... "my brother is at work right?" I nodded... "when does he usually come back home? I miss him. He never visits me that big oaf." She said unhappily.
Me: "He'll be back around seven or eight o'clock." I answered while checking my pots. She whistled. I shook my head chuckling. She acted older than her age.
Sophia: "Oh well, I'll just chill with you until he comes back."
Me: "Cool."

The time was around 6pm. Sophia was still in the apartment with me. We were currently watching an animation movie in the living room. I had no choice but to keep it PG people. The animation movie wasn't bad anyway. Earlier on we had played card games, and believe it or not, she beat me in every game that we played. I asked her who taught her how to play this well and she told me that it was the giant, but she made me promise that I wouldn't tell her mother. Apparently she was forbidden to play any card games, since Diana said it was gambling. The more time I spent with her, the more I liked her. She really loved the giant and she idolized him. Everything was about the giant. She referenced him a lot which I thought was cute and sweet. I could see that Sophia was sleepy now - she kept closing her eyes and dozing off on the couch. After a while, Sophia was sleeping now, my phone rang. My heart literally stopped when I saw that it was my mother. I looked at my phone for a quite some time that it stopped ringing, and then it started ringing again. I was shocked people. I couldn't believe it. My hands were even shaking. I picked up before it could stop ringing again.
Me: "Hello." I said on a shaky small voice.
Mother: "Busi..." She was really sobbing guys. I sat up straighter.
Me: "Mama what's wrong? Are you hurt?" I asked on alert.
Mother: "Please h-help me my child. I'm in-in trouble and I don't know where I am." What?
Me: "Mama please, stop crying. Calm down and tell me what's going on?"
Mother: "I-I don't know Busi. I-I just woke up in some alley with my purse next to me...a-and my clothes are...are...." She sobbed even worse... "please help me Busi. You need to find battery is on 1%, it'll-." Then the phone cut off.................................

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