Chapter 42 - "So Called Friends"

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We were now at Xolile's place. Everyone was here. When I say everyone, I mean all of the giant's friends and Phozisa. I was chilling with Phozisa in the kitchen. We were paging through wedding magazines. She told me she had bought them yesterday for me. She's sweet this woman guys. The men were in the backyard doing whatever, but we could hear laughter and yells. There was only 4 hours left until my shift started. I wish I didn't have to go, but a girl has to work. I was starting to even consider doing what the giant had suggested which was crazy because I wanted my independence. I didn't want to fully depend on the giant. It was just too soon for that even though he was already supporting me with everything but at least I had my own money. Maybe after we get married I will quit. We'll see. Anyway we were looking through wedding dresses now. There was a lot to choose from and I was dizzy from looking at them.
Phozisa: "Has Zano's mother called you yet?" I sighed.
Me: "No, but I know she will." One of the twins entered the kitchen. I think it was Sine. Not sure. He went to the fridge to get some beers.
Him: "You guys are planning for the wedding right?"
Me: "Just looking. No plans yet."
Him: "Make sure my tux is on point when you choose the attire for the groomsmen. And I'm sure the other gents are going to tell you the same. We must all look good that day." Wait...what? Groomsmen? All of them?! How big was this wedding going to be people?!
Me: "All of you want to be groomsmen?" I asked for clarification.
Him: "Yes." He said it like it should've been obvious. I looked at Phozisa wide-eyed. She giggled.
Me: "All twenty of you?" He flicked my forehead. Yes this was Sine. He had a thing of flicking my forehead when he thought I was being stupid. I rubbed my forehead pouting a little.
Sine: "Yes dummy." He said chuckling and walking out of the kitchen.
Me: "Did you hear that Phozisa?" I asked panicked.
Phozisa: "Calm down. Of course they would be groomsmen. They're all Zano's friends. You know how close they all are."
Me: "I know. But-but I didn't think...." I trailed off... "where the heck will I find so many bridesmaids for them?" I exclaimed. I was hyperventilating a little.
Phozisa: "Almost all of them have girlfriends so you could ask them." She suggested. I groaned miserably.
Me: "But they all hate me." I said banging my head on the counter.
Phozisa: "Hey come on, not all of them." I gave her a look. She laughed... "okay maybe most of them do, but they will want to be part of this trust me. Some will even want to get close to you because of this wedding."
Me: "That's doubtful." I mumbled... "why oh why? I just wanted a small and simple wedding celebration. Now I can see that it's not going to be possible." She shook her head.
Phozisa: "Not at all my friend."

It was the next day. It was 12 at noon. I was alone at home. The giant was at the base...doing whatever he does for that SASS. I was lounging on the couch snacking whilst watching TV. My phone rang. It was Fiona. I sighed and picked up.
Me: "Hey Fifi."
Fiona: "Hey Busi. How are you? I miss you." I smiled a little. Fiona was better than Andy.
Me: "I'm fine wethu Fifi. How are you? And I also miss you." But I didn't miss your drama. drama.
Fiona: "I'm good, just bored out of my mind. Do you want to meet up and go for movies or something? We haven't seen each other for a while now and since I don't know where you stay now since you moved, I couldn't come to visit you."
Me: "Um...yes we can meet." I saw no harm and this would be a good time to tell her about the engagement... "just the two of us right?" I wasn't ready to see Andisiwe.
Fiona: "Yes, it could be just the two of us, no problem." We arranged to meet at the mall in an hour's time. I got off the phone with her and called the giant. He picked up.
Zano: "Woman what's wrong?" It was so noisy where he was at.
Me: "Nothing's wrong. Just called to inform you that I'm going out with Fikile." He grunted.
Zano: "Why?" Typical giant!
Me: "Why, why?"
Zano: "I told you to cut those two off." I huffed.
Me: "Zano, I can't just do that." I argued.
Zano: "They won't be happy about the engagement." He stated as a matter of fact.
Me: "I'm only meeting up with Fiona and she's different from Andy." He grunted.
Zano: "Okay woman your choice. I'll call George." I knew he was going to do that. I rolled my eyes.
Me: "Okay. Bye."
Zano: "Be safe baby." He hung up and I went to get ready.

I was at the mall with Fiona. We were standing at the ticket line. We chose the movie we wanted to watch and we bought popcorns and went in. After the movie, we decide to go to Spur. It had been a long time since I had eaten Spur ribs. I had taken my engagement ring off. I wanted to tell her before she saw the ring. We ordered and waited.
Fiona: "So tell me everything. How's everything with that man of yours? You're glowing girl." I smiled blushing.
Me: "Everything is fine. We're getting along just fine with Zano."
Fiona: "I don't want to lie my friend but when I heard from Andy that you had moved in with him, I was shocked." I sighed nodding.
Me: "Yeah. I also didn't plan to move in with him but circumstances which I can't tell you about made me decide to, which was only supposed to be temporary at that time, but things change." I shrugged.
Fiona: "Andy told me that your mother wasn't happy." When she mentioned my mother, my heart squeezed in pain. I really tried really hard not to think about my mother and how she disowned me because when I did it felt as if my chest was closing in on me.
Me: "My mother...yeah she wasn't happy...but since when has she been happy about anything I do?" I said a little bitterly. Fiona nodded.
Fiona: "Yeah that's true, but I'll be honest my friend. I'm worried that this man is taking advantage of you. I mean everything is moving fast with him. You started to date him just a few months back and already you've moved in with him, and we're seeing less of you now. Is he making you cut off your friends?" I exhaled a little annoyed. I tried to see things from her perspective.
Me: "No, he's not like that. It's just that things have been busy and a lot has been happening, so that's why I haven't been able to meet up with you as before." I tried to explain. Her phone rang and she picked.
Fiona: "Hey...yes...we're at Spur..." She gave me a guilty look... "um...okay...shap." I had a slight feeling who it was she had spoken to on the phone. I felt so betrayed at the moment, I felt like crying because they had planned this. They wanted to gang up on me. Andy knew I didn't want to meet up with her so Fiona played her part to lure me out to force me to see her. This was proven when I saw Andy entering Spur. She saw us and headed our way... "I'm sorry Busi. I didn't mean to trick you. It's just that we're worried about you. Andy thinks you need an intervention, and I-I also agree with her." I blinked back my tears and sent the giant a quick text.............................................

The Giant and His Heart. [Light at the end of the tunnel]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum