Chapter 1 Orphaned but not abandoned

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By the time the bright Casarónian mid-day sunlight had filtered through the gray haze of dust and smoke, it was reduced to twilight.  Thanks to their excellent Pájas night vision, eggsibs Korene and Kanai sprinted and scrambled without injury through the deadly maze.  Three days ago this was a four-lane street.  Vehicles had traveled its length, filled its lanes, exited and entered its bounds.  A steady stream of customers had frequented the buildings that were now rubble.  Ragged chunks of concrete and daggers of twisted window frames covered with jagged shards of glass were haphazardly strewn with loose piles of shattered brick, various shapes of ripped metal, and melted or burning blobs of—something.  Here and there a blackened shell of an automobile stood out in the haze. 

I wonder if the owner was inside, Korene thought as she passed one.  The young mother gave the sleeping infant snuggled under her black sleeveless cape a protective hug and hurried on.

     Her twin sister was wearing an identical cape also covering an infant.  Each of the slender females wore a black, long sleeved jump suit with pant legs tucked into ankle length black boots.  Korene wore a fanny pack under her cape.  Their capes were hip length, gathered tightly at the bottoms and armholes, with snug fitting, veiled hoods.  Only dark brown hands and piercing black eyes were revealed.  The hoods effectively filtered out the choking dust and the smoke's acrid yet sickeningly sweet scent of burning garbage, buildings and flesh.  But they could only dampen the nauseating sulfur stench from both escaped sewer gasses and bolts of the Emperor made lightning that was continuously emitted from the most deadly weapon ever seen on the sister planets of Casároni and Praedor.  For that matter, the most deadly weapon in the entire Planetary Confederation. 

     The hoods also could not tune out the horrified screams and mournful wails of survivors far and near.  The sad melody of those cries was harmonized by the never-ending crackling and sharp thunder as the bolts of blue-white energy ripped through air and exploded buildings.  Those still alive to talk said that the Eye of Angels was the weapon's power source.  It was said that Emperor Mordok had stolen it from the holy temple and was using it in the same way the two prophets, Nikana and Danniell, had used it one thousand years before.  Only then, the single use of the weapon had united the Páji and the Felene.  Now, it was used to split them and destroy all who would not follow Mordok's madness.

     The sisters had no trouble believing that.  Their battle for the freedoms of all three peoples of Casároni had brought them here, running for their lives.  Behind them came the staccato of many footfalls.  Kanai pulled Korene into a small tunnel formed by a collapsed wall.  It was just enough shelter for them to crouch side by side without being seen from either end.  A pair of shoes stopped in front of them and jumped.  The shoes landed above their heads causing the wall pieces to shake and the sisters to shiver. 

"Stop or die," a deep voice boomed.  The shaking stopped.  Each twin held onto her precious cargo and prayed it would stay asleep.        

"You are an enemy of the Empire," the voice continued.  You will be executed."

"No," a second male voice shouted.  Yes, I am human, but I am not Praedorian.  I was born here.  My ancestors were born here.  I am even part Felene."

"You are Páji."

     "No, no, naaaa—"

The crackling blast of an Imperial Guard's rifle made the sisters wince and a soft thud sounded behind them.  They froze, not even daring a glance.

More footfalls, then they heard a third voice, female it sounded like.  "Sir, he is dead and has not formed feathers.  Perhaps he was telling the truth."

The deep voice snorted a mocking laugh, "fool, that is an old broma story.  Páji have to be alive to change shape.  They do not revert magically at death.  Squad, move on."

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