"Dude, your filthy" I exclaimed
"Yeah I know, I fell over a few times" he replied

I inspected his face, checking for any signs of harm.
"Stop Kie I'm alright, see" he said unsteadily getting up to his feet.

"Are you like actually okay though?" I asked. He was pale as a ghost, and he looked as if he was about to pass out at any second.

"Yeah" he replied, stumbling over to the sofa and plopping himself onto it. What the hell is he doing? He's acting really suspicious.

"So than Kie, explain to me what happened?" He said stiffly

"Uh yeah, but first off why are you sitting like that?" I asked suspiciously
"Because I can" he snapped back

I sighed.
"Did he hurt you?"
"No" he replied bluntly

"What about the bruises on your legs than" I said pointing to his shins.
"I already told you, I fell over"

"Is that why you're sitting like that? And don't say it's because you want to, because you never do that"

He rubbed his temples.
"Kiara just stop with the constant questioning, okay? Your really pissing me off"

"Oh I'm pissing you off?" I said defiantly
"Yes you are" he repeated

I shook my head
"JJ lift up your shirt" I finally spoke
"Why? Wanna check me out?" He raised an eyebrow
"Just do it" I said irritably

"Ok hear me out, if there was nothing there than surely you wouldn't mind. Since when do you not like to show off?" I knew this would piss him off even more, but I needed to know.

"Kiara! I'm not some toy for you to just check me out whenever you want!" he skeptically tried to flip this around.

I raised my eyebrows because of how stupid he was sounding right now.

I could tell he was distressed by this, just everything in his body language told me he was uncomfortable. He is obviously lying to me.

I placed a hand on my hip while he shot me a glare with his eyes.

"Okay JJ" I spoke and patted his shoulders. If he wants to tell me what's wrong than he can, I'm not gonna force him to.

"Wanna go on the boat? Our last boat ride of the summer?" I smiled

"What, just us?" He asked with a grin
"Yep" I nodded

"Hell yeah" he said, I noticed that he was slightly wincing as he got up. When he spotted me looking he quickly changed his expression.

"Wait isn't Pope coming?" His sudden question just reminded me that Pope was supposed to be here.

"Shit, yeah I forgot. He said he'll be here about an hour ago" I explained

"Why's he taking so long?"
"How the fuck should I know, JJ"

"I'll get the beers ready, while we wait" he announced, emptying about 10 cans of beer out from his backpack.

"We don't need that many" I chuckled
"Pfftt don't worry, as if I'd waste this much beer on you lot anyways" he said, placing 4 of the cans into a plastic bag.

"YO, YO, YO" Pope called out making his entrance through the back door.
"There's my boy" JJ laughed, fist bumping him.

"What y'all doing here? Shouldn't you be at home." He said turning to face me.

"Oh yeah, well about that I basically got kicked out, they were mad as hell and forced me out the house" I gabbled

"Come again"

I repeated it, more slowly and clearly this time.

"Shit, Kie..." Pope trailed off.
"Naw it's okay, I'll stay here for a bit" I said
"Me too" JJ mumbled

"What you got kicked out too?" Pope asked the blonde idiot.
"No dude, I just left" he said with a shrug

"Have you both got like all your stuff you need"
"Yeah we do" JJ and I said simultaneously.

"Its okay after a few days they'll probably have cooled down and I can go back" I hoped this would be true.

"Sorry Kie, this is my fault" JJ said sincerely.

"For fucks sake JJ, it's not your fault"
"Okay, okay calm down" he backed away

"Alright boys let's go out, last evening of the summer holidays let's make it a good one!" I declared

"Nothing is ever good with us around" Pope muttered darkly.

Hey guys, I hope your all doing okay. This is a fairly short chapter, it was going to be a longer one but I decided to just split it into two separate chapters instead.

I have alot of ideas but I don't want to make this too long, we're gonna be getting to the big stuff within the next few chapters. So that'll be interesting, there will be a few small time skips coming up just so I don't end up writing this book forever.

I love you all, stay safe and look after yourselves.

I'll see you in the next one :)

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