34 - Scars for a Maybank

Start from the beginning

I missed call

Mama 🐻💛 : Istg JJ you better have a good reason

12  more unread messages...
1 more missed call...

"Holy shit Kie" I mumbled to myself.

Me: Jesus girl, do u ever give up!?

Mama 🐻💛 : Finally! Where the fuck where u, are u ok?

Me: yh I'm okay Kie, wbu?

Mama 🐻💛 : I hope ur telling the truth Maybank... Ok look I'll see you tmo, and I'll explain everything to you there.

Me: ok then see ya ig

I heard loud music playing and I poked my head out the door just to see my dad swigging down a shit tonne of alcohol and he had all his drugs lined up on the table.

Nice I thought sarcastically
Tomorrow is gonna be great!


I woke up after the first full night of sleep I've had here in like weeks. It was 11am and it's a Sunday. Today is the last day of the holidays. pfftt some holiday this's been!

I quickly got changed into some grey shorts and a white shirt, it looked pretty sunny today.

I sauntered to the kitchen and saw that my dad was sat by the table on the porch. He's never up this early, he looked tired and his eyes were bloodshot. He was obviously drunk and probably high out of his mind too.

I felt satisfied seeing the dark red bruise I gave him yesterday, on his jaw.

"Morning dad..." I said scratching the back of my neck.
He just grunted in reply.

I rolled my eyes, and started to walk away when he suddenly spoke up.

"How old are you again? 15, right?"
I sighed, he doesn't even know my age.
"No, dad I-im 16"

"Bullshit! Already?" He exclaimed
"Mhm" I responded blankly

"Well than as much as you don't deserve this, it is family tradition so..."

"what..." I asked confusedly.
Is this so called family tradition going to be another beating?

He stood infront of me intimidatingly and rolled up his sleeves. What the fuck! I haven't even done anything.
I stood back abruptly, preparing myself for what was to come.

"What are you doin?" He asked.
"I - what are your doing?" I replied sheepishly.

He took one of his many rings off his finger and held it infront of me.
It's just a thick slab of silver coiled round to fit a finger and it has the letter 'M' slapped straight in the middle, with little gold chains weaving in and out.

"This is our family ring, fathers for generations have been passing this down to their sons on their 16th birthdays-"

"-little late, don't you think" I cut him off.

SCARS | 𝖠𝖿𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝖲𝖾𝖺𝗌𝗈𝗇 1 𝖮𝖻𝗑Where stories live. Discover now