"They still don't understand you, why don't you just pick 'em up? Or we could lead 'em of 'ere. There may be other people here"

"...you can leave if you want but I'm willing to help this little skelly who mind you, was just found here" Raven replied, seeming more irritated than he was just a few seconds ago. The 2 other occupants looked at Raven. One is silence and the other in thought " *sigh* ... Just. Y'know you can leave if you want but this skelly's coming with me"

"Scythe? Poppy? Do you copy?" Their radio came to life with the sound of their chief

"We copy Chief. We found a young looking skeleton in one of the rooms and Scythe is currently trying to coax them out, but they don't seem to understand us" Poppy responded.

"Roger that, do you know you're location?"

[ - - - ]

The same charcoal boned skeleton was sitting in a hospital bed with IV bags with a simple child's book in front of them. Alongside them was a red hoodie and black scarf wearing skeleton with glitches in front of their eyes. They seemed to be helping the little one read. A human doctor came into the room getting both occupants' attention. "Just here for the daily check up" The doctor smiled as he made his way to the two. Doing the doctorly checkups with certain additions and changes light eyelight checks and magic checks. "Welp, everything seems the same. You can come back in Mr.Sorell, has there been any progress?" Now looking at the newly named Sorell who re-entered the room. "Well there's some. Sorta just like teaching a 3 year old which has its challenges but is pretty simple nonetheless"

"Alright well one of our nurses have volunteered to adopt the kid so They'll be visiting at some point today" The doctor informed, starting to leave the door after checking the IV tubes. Sorrell thanked the doctor and returned to teaching the little skeleton basic english.

[ - - - ]

"Alright, is everyone ready?" A pink haired human asked 3 skellies in front of her. One of them wore a red scarf along with mostly white attire, another's wearing glasses along with clothing with many patches of color, and the last one was dark boned and wearing a black shorts and a red sweater. They were all currently in the living room getting ready for the day ahead.


"Yes mama!"


"ALright great! To the car everyone!" The woman declared after getting confirmation from her sons. Yeah I know a human having 3 skelly sons... logic died in 2015.

Heading to the car parked outside their house. Carrying the dark boned skelly while the other 2 ran over to the back seat. Placing her youngest in the backseat with his brothers she buckled him in and moved over to the driver's side to start the car.

"Ya gonna love the daycare! Mr. PJ is totes radical!" The sunglasses wearing skeleton named Fresh claimed. Fit with his slight 90s lingo and fancy glasses that depict emotions, something he lacks but tries his best.

"Yeah It's pretty neat for a daycare" The older and red scarf wearing skeleton agreed. HIs name is Geno. He considers himself mature, for a 7 year old. He was one of the older kids in the daycare that, at times, helps around the daycare.

The little skelly who they were both talking to was the dark boned skeleton mentioned before. Looking more closely at him, he had tear marks going down from his eyes. Speaking of eyes, his eye lights were heterochromic, left socket containing a blue eye light surrounded by a yellow ring and his right having a white dot. After being taken out of the white room, he was taken to the hospital for a health check and the check was... worrying. A nurse at the hospital decided to adopt him, that nurse's name is CQ, and she's currently taking her now 3 sons to daycare while she works. Being a nurse is a time consuming job after all.

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