Chapter 19 ~ The Brunch

Start from the beginning

Staring deeply into her green cat-like eyes, I forced my will upon to her. "Tell me something you wouldn't want anyone to know."

She stared back at me blankly, mouth falling slightly slack. "I'm having an affair with my boss."

I mock-gasped. "Scandalous! I love it." I flashed her a grin. No vervain. Perfect.

"Now," I continued, "tell me which room Kai Parker is staying in."

"302," she answered robotically.

"You've been incredibly helpful. Thank you, uh," I glanced down at her name tag, "Linda. Now forget we ever had this conversation."

Linda the receptionist nodded slowly, before blinking rapidly as I let go of the spell she was under, turning my back on her.

I was alone in the elevator as I pressed the button for the third floor. Not a moment later, the doors opened again as I stepped into the corridor. I scanned each door, looking for the number of his room.

Suddenly, I came to a halt. 302. This was it.

Tapping my knuckles against the door, I held my breath, fighting every urge in my body to turn around and leave, never to return again. Before I had a chance to change my mind, the door opened, revealing a damp-haired Kai in a fluffy white bath robe, staring at me with a smirk.

"Um," I said, gulping. "Hi."

"I take the fact that you're stood at my door right now means you read the diary?" he questioned, leaning against the door frame with his arms folding across his chest, clearly smug.

"Yes. But now I have more questions than I started with."

Kai stepped back, gesturing for me to enter the room. "And I'll be happy to answer them."

I looked at him with unease. "I'd rather we talk somewhere less... private."

Kai chuckled. "I know. But you'll have to come in whilst I get ready. I can't really leave my room looking like this, can I?" When I refused to move, he raised a brow. "Unless you want to stand out here all alone, looking like a crazy person?"

I tutted, pushing past him. "You're the only crazy person around here," I muttered.

Snorting, Kai shut the door behind us. "Says the one who can't remember the past month."

Ignoring his remark as I stood in the middle of the room awkwardly, I glanced around, unsure where to place myself.

"You can sit down, you know," Kai sighed, shrugging off his bath robe and revealing his bare torso and boxer shorts.

I averted my gaze swiftly, cheeks flushing. "Do you mind?"

"Sorry. I forgot this version of you hasn't seen me naked yet," he commented, fiddling around in his wardrobe for something to wear.

"Nope," was all I said, popping the 'p'.

"So I was thinking," he continued, "that we should go for - what do they call it nowadays? - 'brunch'? You know, late breakfast before lunch time?"

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐁𝐋𝐀𝐂𝐊 𝐒𝐇𝐄𝐄𝐏 ~ Kai ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now