Chelsea Parker

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Hi I'm like the Chelsea Parker and I like love shopping. You can call me like Chelsie or like Chels if you like want.

I like bumped into this like really tall, muscular Asian dude. He like was really cute and I was like drooling over him.

“Hi” I like said. “I am like Chelsea Parker and like if you want you can like call me like Chels or like whatever.”

“Well. I um… I’m Frank Zhang. I… what are you shopping for.” He said. Aww he’s nervous around me.

“A present for a friend.” I said. “You?”

“Same” he said.

“Well what does he like?”

“It’s a girl.” He mumbled.

“Oh” I said. “Well then what does she like?” I said. Okay so I might like just like have this like tiny crush on like this guy but hey. He’s like cute.

“Well she like’s jewellery so.” Off we went to the jewellers. When we reached the shop I looked around while Frank found his ring. When we had both finished we walked out the door. I asked him what he had bought and he showed me this beautiful green and gold ring.

“It’s for my girlfriend, Hazel.” He smiled. “It’s an engagement ring.” Added to me in a whisper.

I just like died like at that like moment. I knew that he was in a couple and that he obviously loved her. It was adorable!!!!!!!!!!!!

Soz it's short but what evs!!!!

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