John McDonald

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  • Dedicated to All Fans of Heroes of Olympus

Is it a crime to  have a crush on your boss. My boss Annabeth Jackson is 26 and CEO of Olympus Architecture. She is the smartest person I know. I've known her for 2 years and we have become great friends. I am on my way to her house now to confess my feelings for her. When I reach her 3 story mansion I hop out of my car and walk to the door. When I knock on the door Annabeth answers it.

"Oh hi John. What are you doing here?" I hear shot and laughter from inside.

"I was wondering if I could talk to you privatly." I say.

"Sure" she says. "Come in." As I walk down her hallway I see pictures. Most are of Annabeth but the last few are pictures of her and another man kissing or else holding babies. Could Annabeth already have a boyfriend I ask myself? Just when I think that a young girl come running up the hallway. She is about six.

"Mummy" she whines. "Lukey's eawting my cakey". She grabs Annabeth's hand and starts pulling her down the hallway. Annabeth has a kid??!? I thought. As I enter here living room I see about 20 people standing in the room around a table piled with presents and a big owl shaped cake with 6 candles on it. The little girl pulls Annabeth to the middle of the room and points to the cake. A small chuck has been taken out of the side. A small boy is giggling with a small two year old at the feet of a man. I recognise the man from  the pictures.

"See mummy" says the little girl pointing to the chunck missing and pouting adorably. "Lukey awte my cake." 

Annabeth looks over at the little boy and he stops giggling.

"Luke Ethan Jackson. Did you or did you not eat some of your sister's birthday cake?" She say.

"Biancaey took it." he said pointing at the todler next to him with grey icing smeared fingers.

"Lukey. Do you really think that I would believe your two year old sister would eat the cake?" 

"Yes" He said giggling. Annabeth sighs and gives a small giggle.

I use the distraction to slip out of the house and leave the happy family in peace.

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