"No we still won't do that." I chuckled.

"Damn. I'll see you later. Don't worry, he will be fine." She assured.

""We'll see. See you later." I said and hung up.

Finally my train arrived and I immediately started my short run to the hospital.

I definitely did miss something about Fordwich, the short amount of time it takes to get somewhere.

I went inside and to the woman at the front.

"I'm here for Michael Fields?" I said.

"Of course. His room is 304." She said and smiled at me.

I smiled back and went to the elevator.

I knocked on his door in case there was a doctor. There was no call or anything so I stepped inside.

He laid there with chords all over his body and a breathing mask.

"Fuck." I muttered. It really does not look good at all.

I sat down next to him. I need to know what exactly is wrong. And I need a doctor for that.

10 minutes later finally a doctor stepped in and looked at me.

"Who exactly are you?" He asked.

"His daughter. Can you please tell me what happened?" I asked.

"Of course. He was in a car accident and his car did several flips. Whilst driving he was under the influence and luckily he dodged the other driver he would've crashed into, but well that made him do several flips." He explained.

He was drunk whilst driving. He didn't pick up a drink since 2013. Why now?

"What are his chances?" I asked quietly.

"His left kidney completely stopped working, he broke his ribs and his liver is torn in several spaces. And his brain damage is major. We've already tried everything we could yesterday in surgery. I'm sorry to inform you he will die in about 8 hours." He said.

"What do you mean everything? What is it that made it fatal." I said.

"His liver was due to his apparent love for alcohol already really destroyed, and now that it's torn it won't be able to keep him alive. We have tried to find another one for him, but there is none." He explained.

"Isn't mine a match?" I asked.

"I don't know that. But are you really up for that? We'd have to take several parts from yours and both of you would be alive, but just barely. You couldn't do any exhausting activities or drink and eat whatever you'd like." He said.

"I don't care, my father needs to live." I said.

Then I heard humming sound and it came from my father.

He was barely able to say anything but he still uttered the words, "Could I... have a... moment with... My daughter?" He asked.

"Of course sir." He said and left.

My father looked at me and smiled.

"Beth... I have so... much... to say to you." He said.

"Dad don't overdo it. You are exhausting yourself too much." I said.

"That doesn't matter... right now. I need you... to listen to me... and never forget... what I said." He started and took a hold of my hand.

"After our family passed... I had a lot of... anger... and malice... but it wasn't towards you. It was towards the world. But I'm... an idiot... because I took it out on you... I... made you... believe that it... was your fault. But that's... not the case. I should have... been there... I should have... kept on working... instead you paid off our debt and what did I do? I... slapped you." His eyes started getting teary.

"I'm... so sorry... I shouldn't... have ever... laid a hand... on you. I hope... you forgive me. It was never... your fault Beth... and I'm so... glad that you are still here... and that you've fulfilled your dream. Even though... I didn't tell you... I watched every performance of you and your band... and you all are so incredible and have a special bond. Also... when you find your woman for live... I want you to propose with... your mother's ring. It belonged to your grandmother before." He said.

"Another thing Elizabeth... don't ever think you aren't good enough... when I... heard what Kristen said... It all made sense... Why you stopped eating... why you always didn't want to go to school... and I'm so sorry I didn't notice it. I beg you... take care of yourself... don't stop eating... you are a beautiful... girl... and anyone who is lucky enough... to have you in their life... knows that. And now... you need to let me go... I will leave in peace... I will be with your mother and siblings... waiting for you... which will hopefully... be in the distant future... I will not take parts of your liver... and it's not up for debate." He said.

"But dad. I can't lose you too." I said and started crying and sobbing.

"You aren't losing me baba... I'll always... be with you... I love you so much... I can go peacefully... because I know... your band mates will take care of you... as well... as Sam... you also... need to tell her... thank you from me... and that I love her too. Alright baba? Now... give your old man a hug." He said.

I hugged him and he put his arms around me. And even though he was dying I still felt safe in his arms.

"Okay... will you promise me... to keep on be... on this good path... prove to me... that I was right... that I still know my daughter... and that you will be just fine without me... you really don't... have to be... sad... I will be going peacefully and happy." He said.

"I promise. I love you so much." I said still crying.

"I love you too baba. Now that this is off... the table... is there anything... you wanna tell me?" He asked.

"I'm falling for one of my band mates." I confessed.

"Oh really? Tell me about... all of them. I know they are... a big reason... for your happiness." He said.

So I started off with Jesy then Leigh-Anne and Jade. Lastly Perrie so he can see why. I also showed him pictures of them. He knows what they look like but doesn't know their names.

"Perrie is... incredible. She is a literal ray of sunshine." I started.

It felt like I talked about her for hours. All my father did was listen and smile.

When I finished he said, "That right there... Elizabeth... is the woman for your life." He said.

"But I can't be with her dad? Can I?" I asked.

"I don't see why not. She kissed... you... didn't She?" He asked and I nodded, "Well, there's your answer."

"When you... marry her, and I'm telling you, you will... because... I know... since I'm your father... make sure to tell her... I rooted for you both... till the day I died." He joked.

I at first looked at him shocked and then had to laugh, "That's a terrible joke dad!" I said while crying but also smiling.

"Oh come on... it's always good to keep everything light hearted." He said.

There was a knock on the door and Sam stepped inside.

They both hugged as well and he told her what he told me. Well along those lines.

Then a few hours later, it was time.

"Are you ready?" The doctor asked my father.

"Of course." He smiled and looked at me, "Are you ready... babygirl?" He asked.

"Yes." I said determined to be strong so he could leave in peace.

"Thank you Sam. Please continue being there for Beth. I love you." He said.

She smiled at him and held my hand, "Always Mr. F. I love you too." She said.

"Beth, always be the true you, never change for anyone. Not the music industry or the people around you. I love you so much." He smiled.

"I love you too Dad." I smiled back at him. We were then led out of the room and I hugged Sam.

"Are you alright?" She asked.

I pulled away and nodded, "It was his decision. He went peacefully. Of course I'll miss him. But he was happy. And he loves me. I'm content right now." I said smiling.


The Fifth Member (Little Mix/Perrie Edwards GxG)Where stories live. Discover now