Mook, overwhelmed by the whole situation buries her whole body into Kem's tall and big build before crying again feeling horrified of what future will bring  them and their kids.


"Ming its empty. They leave in hurry." One of Ming team mate update him after they've failed to find Dome and the tattoos guy.

"...but you might wanna see this." His team mate added making Ming furrowed his brows. He followed him into a room fulls of Lily's pictures maybe from the social media. He took pictures of the room and send it to Kem. Ming checked his bins too looking for clues but find nothing.

"Copy his hard drives and send it to me as soon as possible." Ming instructed further then something pop up in his head. He runs into the room fulls of Lily's pictures and scanned the pictures once again before making a call.

"He knows where we are. The pictures of the kid from yesterday. Its here on the wall." Ming blurted out as his eyes were on Lily's pictures standing on the second floor balcony.


Kem nearly throws his phone to the wall when he opened the pictures sent by Ming. His daughter, decorating the sicko walls. Disgusted by Dome's doing, he asked Ming to clean them.

He didn't shows Mook and the others the pictures but he knows Forth got them too judging from his expression. Their eyes meet each other and Kem gesture Forth to go outside for a talk.

"Take Lily to America this instance. I can prepare the jet in three hours." Kem instructs. He can't risk it any longer. Lily is expose to danger every minute she stays here in Thailand.

".... bring Mark too. Tell Beam to ask Dr. Kit or Dr. Phana to tag along for Mark. I'll have Agnes arrange all." Kem added to his plans.

The they heard the sound of the police siren from far away approaching their location. Kem and Forth look at each other in suprise then run back into the house.

Then Ming phone call disturb him.

"He knows where we are. The pictures of the kid from yesterday. Its here on the wall." Ming said on the other line. Kem immediately knew that the police is here to take Mook.

"Shit!! That sicko exposed us. The police is coming for Moe. We need to get her out from here." But its to late as the police already at the front door with a warrant on their hand, showing it to Yaya. Yaya tries to reasons with them saying that Mook was framed but it was in vain as they had to follow the procedures. Mook needed to be brought to the police station.

"Its ok mum. I'll follow them." Mook voluntarily said, doesn't want to prolong the conversation. She needs to solve the misunderstanding between her and the authorities so they can proceed to catch the real culprit.

"Moe.. Don't worry. We'll get you out." Beam promise his sister gripping her cold sweaty hand. Mook smile bitterly at Beam.

"Honey... I got this. Don't worry. See you there. I'll follow behind." Kem assured planting a kiss on Mook's forehead while embracing her before a police read her rights and tell her to turn around with her hands behind.

"Noo.. mummy. Uncle police.. my mummy is innocent. She didn't kill grandma. My uncle did. You can't take her....mummyyyy..." Lily is crying hard while clutching into her mother who is now having her hand cuffed by the police.

Beam had to pull Lily and take Lily inside her room because she refused to let go of her. Lily was screaming for her mother up until Beam closed the door. The sorrowful scenes had made everyone shed tears including Mook herself.

"I'm sorry baby."

Kem tails the police car from behind and contact his lawyer to go to the police station ASAP and not forgetting to bring the knife used in the murder case.


Hours later, Wayo and Mark arrived at the house much to everyone relief. Mark is still using a wheelchair for mobility and his eyes is busy scanning around.

"Where's mummy?" He voiced out.

"The police took her for investigation." Ming answered on behalf of the family.

Mark sigh in defeat hearing the news. He misses his mother. She didn't come to the hospital since the murder happened and Lily told her that she'd disappeared.

"Can you go to Lily? She's still crying." Beam said to Mark. He nodded and ask Wayo to bring him to his sister.

"Crying won't help her out Lil."

"Markkk... But she's innocent..."

"Yeah and she'll be fine. Focus on what is more important right now. Okay?" Lily nodded weakly still sobbing.

"You know he was targeting you right?" Mark opened the discussion.

"Emm.. I heard him said it in the video."

"Wanna end this once and for all? But its dangerous though."

"I'll help. As long as mummy is free."

Mark tells Lily his plan but Lily doubted the execution. To much variables. Anything can go wrong in a blink of eyes.

"Father are gonna go Kraken on us." Lily frowning remembering how many times she was reprimanded by Kem for being nosy.

"Like I care. He's a loser. He can't even handle this properly. Even making mummy suffer."

"You... sounded like him."

"Am not! Stop comparing me to someone worthless. Ugh! So annoying."

"Totally him." Lily laughing at Mark annoyed face.


"We are on our way back. The police will start searching for Dome and Moe is free at last." Kem conveys the good news to Forth excitedly while starting the engine.

"They wanna talk to you. The kids." Kem hands over his phone to Mook who is sitting on the passenger seat. It was a dreadful interrogation but Kem's lawyer manage to help her get through it and even got her released from the police custody with a bail. But she cannot go out from the country until the investigation finished.

Their journey home seems normal at first until....




"The brakes is not working."

"Where's Lily?"

"I want my mummy."

"You ruined my sister life!!!"




Its nearing the end. Thanks for giving your interest in this story. Really appreciate all the read, vote and comments from you all.❤️

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