Chapter 30 - "The Safe House"

ابدأ من البداية

We were at the safe house now. And what I can say was that it was big people. It had this very high wall surrounding it. When standing outside the wall you could only see the roof of the house, and when standing inside the wall you couldn't see anything beyond it. I couldn't help my sharp intake of breath when I saw the men standing around the yard with big guns on their hands. Oh God! It was like in the movies, where a very important person's house had armed bodyguards, patrolling the yard waiting for for any danger that might strike.  These guys really scared me when they were like this. Usually they were all jokes and smiles with me, but not today. Today they were in alerting and protective mode. All of this was really not helping my anxiety and nerves. We were really in danger. I just hoped that whoever those people were who wanted us dead, didn't find the safe house. Thinking about leaving the safe house tomorrow to go to school, my body ran cold. Please protect us God. I said a silent prayer. There were more men inside the house. Some greeted me with the usual nickname which they gave me 'Superwoman', and the others just acknowledged me by giving me chin lifts. They were all business people. Yeesh!

The giant took me upstairs to our bedroom. If we had come here for a different reason, I would've admired the beautiful interior of the house.
Me: "Whose house is this?" I asked him putting my bag on the bed.
Zano: "It's mine and my friends. We made it into a safe house for situations like these." He informed me. Wow! These people had money.
Me: "It's nice." I said sitting down on the bed. He grunted.
Zano: "You okay woman?" He asked concerned. I sighed.
Me: "All of this is just...too much, you know?" He pulled me to him, his big hands on my waist... "is this how we're going to live our lives now?" I asked him. He frowned.
Zano: "What do you mean?"
Me: "Are we always going to be in danger Zanoxolo? Will I always have to live my life in fear? When I'm walking in the streets, will I have to always be looking over my shoulder in fear that somebody wants me dead?" He grunted unhappily. I could see both guilt and regret reflected in his eyes.
Zano: "I'm sorry for bringing this kind of danger into your life, it wasn't my intention." He said brushing the back of my neck... "but Busi, this life chose me. I didn't choose it. It came with the job." He told me in that weird way of his... "danger will always follow us because I deal with very dangerous people every single day which means I have a lot of enemies. So I can't promise you a peaceful life that is free from danger. Like today, there will be times where we'll have to come to this house to protect you and the women of my friends." I sighed... "I know you're too good for me and this life, and I know that a selfless and good man would let you go but I'm a very selfish man and I'm definitely not a good one, so I won't let you go." This man of mine... "but what I can do is to promise to protect you at all costs." I blinked back the tears that threatened to spill. The damn giant was making me emotional.
Me: "You're really something else you big ass giant." I said tapping his cheek with my fingers. The side of his mouth lifted... "okay then! I will weather the storm with you. But I can't promise that I won't be scared out of my pants or that I won't be hysterical because I will be." I warned him with a small smile on my face. He grunted.
Zano: "I wouldn't expect anything less."
Me: "Hey!" I hit him on his chest. He chuckled a little.
Zano: "Thank you baby." He said softly and kissed my forehead. There goes my heart... "now I'm going to leave with a few guys. I don't want you to worry yourself about me. I'll be back later on okay?" I huffed. I didn't like this at all. What if he gets hurt? I couldn't lose him people. I would be destroyed if that happened.
Me: "Please be safe." I pleaded with him.
Zano: "I'm always safe woman. I'll be back, I promise."
Me: "Okay."
Zano: "Now kiss your man." He ordered.
Me: "No you kiss me." I ordered back. He blew raspberries on my neck and I giggled uncontrollably. He always did this since he knew I was very sensitive around the neck area... " big...ass jerk." I told him still giggling. He stopped and lifted his face from my neck. He grabbed me by the back of my neck and gave me a slow and wet and long kiss. God! Yum! My nipples and pussy were tingling. This was seriously not the time to get aroused. The giant growled in my mouth deepening the kiss and I swear I dripped in my panties.
Zano: "I should go woman." He said gruffly against my lips and I mewled in protest... "I'll take care of you when I come back." He promised. Gosh! I blushed a little. He kissed both of my cheeks... "my woman is cute." He stated... "make sure to eat something woman. There's a lot of food in the kitchen."
Me: "Okay." I agreed softly. Someone cleared their throat at the doorway. The giant and I both looked at the door. It was MC (Mcebisi).
MC: "Have to go grootman." He said awkwardly. The giant grunted. He gave me a hard and quick goodbye kiss.
Zano: "See you later baby." He whispered against my lips and the he was gone.

The Giant and His Heart. [Light at the end of the tunnel]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن