🕊 T W E N T Y - F O U R 🕊

Start from the beginning

"Well, what am I supposed to do, then? What if something were to happen, and you got hurt?"

"I'll heal, Rin. And at least I'll get injured by doing something. Not just standing idly by."

I frowned, staring down at her. 'What if I want to do all the work? What if I want to protect you?'

"I'll be able to help you, Rin."

I stared down at her, sighing before I looked over, "So... When does this... procedure... start?"

"It won't start until after the sword has been forged."

"How long does that usually take?"

Mephisto shrugged, "A couple of months, give or take."


"It's a demon sword, what do you expect? You can't just use any regular material and call it a day. This is holding her demonic heart. It must be strong enough to sustain such power."

I frowned, shrinking back slightly from my outburst, "I guess..."

"That's all I came to say. Have a good night, now~" Mephisto walked towards the door, opening it before leaving.

All was quiet. I looked over towards Alaina, seeing her staring at where he left with a blank expression.


I sat on the edge of my bed, my feet placed on the floor as I held my hands in front of my mouth, deep in thought. 

"But it could also be fatal,"

I closed my eyes, trying my best to ignore that detail. It was said in less than two seconds, but it stayed with me for the rest of the night. 'There was no way... No way, no way. There has to be a way that we can make our situation work. I don't want to risk anything.'

"Don't look so glum, Rin."

Without looking over, I replied, "How can I not?"

Yukio didn't say anything after that. I fell back on my bed, staring up at the underside of Yukio's bunk. 'Of course, I want Alaina to be able to protect herself... but I don't want her to risk her life over some dumb procedure...' I inwardly sighed, thinking about her. 'She hasn't been out of her room for a while... I wonder if she's okay...'

I sat up from my bed, standing up which caught Yukio's attention. "Going somewhere?"

I nodded, "I'm gonna check on Alaina."

He nodded, "All right."

I walked over to our dorm room's door, opening it to step into the hallway. I looked over towards Alaina's door, seeing it open. I walked over, peeking in the door frame. She was at her desk, her head resting in her palm. 

I rose my hand up, hesitantly knocking on the door frame. 

She glanced over, turning her head back to its previous position when she noticed it was me standing there. "Hey, Rin."

I stepped inside, stopping a few feet inside, "Hey..." 

It was silent. What Mephisto had told her was obviously taking up a large portion of her mind.

I walked over, pulling over the neighboring desk chair to sit next to her. "How are you doing?" I asked, sitting down in the chair I pulled over.

She shrugged, taking in a deep breath, "Fine, I guess. Just thinking."

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