Ivy stood up and tried to lift Harley by her arm. Harley rubbed her red eyes as ivy pulled her to her feet.

Harley: But--

Ivy: No buts. Except yours in the shower. Trust me, Harley you need this.

Harley: But--

Ivy: Uh uhh. Let's go.

Ivy pulled Harley towards the bathroom ,whiles Harley dragged her feet. Harley sighed and shrugged Ivy's hand off.

Harley: Ugh. Fine, fine. I can walk. Stop dragging me.

Ivy: That's the spirit. You go girl.

Harley: Why are you here anyway? I thought you had that whole thing with Wayne Enterprises.

Ivy: Oh that? It doesn't matter right now. You definitely needed a friend so here I am.

Harley: Aww. That's nice of you but I really want to be alone right now.

Ivy: Yeah. Not happening get in there.

Harley ducked under Ivy's arms and tried to get to the couch but ivy grabbed her and turned her to the bathroom door.
Harley: I really don't want to go. I just want to crawl into bed, eat ice cream and, and *she began crying again* Mister J, why did you have to go?

Harley hugged Ivy and pressed her face into Ivy's chest, the tears staining her jacket.

Ivy: Okay. How about this. You come with me for a girls night out that you so desperately need and I'll tell you where Y/n is.

Harley: Noo. I'm not leaving this-- *Harley looked up in surprise* WHAT? YOU KNOW WERE HE IS? AND YOU DIDN'T TELL ME? HOW LONG HAVE YOU KNOWN?

Ivy: Calm down, Harley. I just found out yesterday. I had just confirmed it before I came here.

Harley: YEESSS!! Finally. I can't wait to break every bone in his body and--

Ivy: Uhh, did you forget? I'm not telling you until you have had a nice long nap and massage. I already booked a spa and everything.

Harley: But I don't wanna. Can't we get my revenge then do the spa thing?

Ivy: No.

Harley: How about kidnapping him and leaving him in the basement?

Ivy: Noo! Girls night or no revenge. So go take a shower.

Harley: Fine but you promise he would still be there?

Ivy: absolutely. He hasn't left the place all day.

Harley: Great. I'll be back five.

Ivy: Nope. Take you sweet time. I'm serious. If you're out in the next fifteen minutes, you're going back in. Got it?

Harley: Yeah yeah. I heard you.

Once Harley entered the bathroom, Ivy sat down on the couch and began wondering how to get out of the mess she had gotten into. She had no idea where Y/n was. She just said that so Harley would want to leave. She jumped slightly when Dave sat next to her.

Ivy: Whoa. How about a warning next time.
Dave: Sorry Ivy.

Ivy: What are you still doing here? Harley would be pissed if she came out and saw you.

Dave: it'll be fine. There is something I want to talk to you about.

Ivy: What?

Dave: First of, everything I do, I do for Harley's own good because she's a good person and I care about her. Joker didn't deserve her, didn't appreciate her and I'm glad he's dead. Don't you agree?

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