Comfort Me In The Darkness

Start from the beginning

"No, it's totally fine, Hizashi."

I pushed my shoes to the side. Lining them up neatly near the doorway. We walked down the hallway walking towards the dining room. Which was filled with laughter and conversations. I saw a spark of excitement in Nerumi's eyes when she spotted me and [Y/N].

"Where were you guys."

"On a date."

I chuckled to myself as I heard the mere whisper from Hitoshi in front of me. I mean, he was the only one there when I flirted with his sister. He frowned and glanced back at me. Anyways, [Y/N] explained that we're out on a walk but got sidetracked. Eventually, the topic got switched to something else. I and [Y/N] excused ourselves. Existing the living room, heading to our room. The purple-haired woman turned to me.

"Sorry. We're still figuring this out together. I just didn't think we should tell anybody yet. Especially anybody here. My parent can't keep a secret well."

"I said that you can do whatever you want that makes you feel more comfortable."

She smiled, "Thanks Shota." She gave me a kiss on my cheeks, "I'm going to take a bath and go to sleep."

Eventually, we ended up sleeping together. Since the room situation was crazy. It's not every day you see eight people being squished into a house together. So the room arrangement just placed me and [Y/N] together. Hizashi gave me a wink and shot me some thumbs up before we went to our rooms. But I just ignored him like always.

"Night Shota."

I hummed, "Night."

[Y/N]'s POV:

"Love You."

My eyes snapped open as I felt my heart skip a beat. I blushed in embarrassment. I didn't mean to say that. It just came out of my mouth unexpectedly. I internally cringed at myself, desperately wanting to melt away like an ice cube on a hot day.

"I love you too [Y/N]."


"[Y/N]! Stay back!"


A series of flickering lights woke me up. I glanced around the room in a panic. Wondering where I was. Once I figured out that I was still in the same room that I had fallen asleep in. An panic attack quickly followed.

I inxhaled, taking in a long breath. Panting hardly as the panic attack hit me hard. Sitting up, I rushed to get up and off the bed. Stumbling towards the shelf and furniture on the other side of the room. Flipping through the drawers to find anything that could help me. Eventually, the sounds of the drawers opening and shutting had woken up the male from his sleep.


He called out to me. His words were unable to reach my ear as I was too busy looking through the shelf. He called out again. I panicked around, knocking down everything on the table. I heard shuffling from the bed as the springs squeaked from the removed weight.

I yelped as I tripped on something. Expecting for me to fall straight first onto the ground.

A pair of arms warped around my waist. Stopping my fall mid-way. I panted heavy, trying to control my breathing. It seemed like we stayed like that for an hour. The adrenaline slowly disappeared until it fully stopped. That's when I noticed how tired and broken I was at that moment.

My vision blurred as tears wield up in the corner of my eyes. Tears streamed down my face no matter how hard I tried to hold them in. Covering my mouth in with my hand, I whimpered. I could hear Shota sigh as he placed me down gently on the ground.

Mumbling something under his breath. He warped his arms around me, pulling me onto his lap. Who knows how long we stay in the same position. I just let the seconds turn into minutes. But it felt comforting to be in his arms. His hands came into my view, wiping away the tears that ran down my cheeks. Hugging me tighter, he buried his face into my hair.

"It alright. Everything's alright. Your safe." He whispered reassuringly, "Your safe in my arms."

He hummed. Somehow his voice did make me feel safe. Before I knew it, the tears stopped and were no longer streaming down my face. Shifting around in his arms, I bring my arms around his torso, clinging onto him tightly. Like a newborn child with their mother. Digging my face into his chest. I could hear him chuckle. Vibrations coming from his chest.

"What? Your done crying now?"

I frowned as mumbled something into his chest. Causing him to chuckle again. He hummed, standing up, picking me up him. I yelped in surprise as he hopped onto the bed with me in his arms.

"Never thought I would see you so vulnerable." He commented, "I'm glad that I'm here right now."

"Your jokes are not helping the mood."

He cocked his brow, "Who said I was joking."

I frowned as I hugged him tighter. He sighed, shifting me around on his lap. I gasped as he tilted my head back, giving me a short kiss. Brushing my hair away from my face, he stared into my eyes.

"You look bad when your upset."

I giggled, "Are you saying that I'm ugly when I'm crying?"

He sighed, resting his head onto my shoulders. I hummed as I detangled his hair, tucking it behind his ear. He purred into my shoulder as I massaged his head. Slowly forgetting what had happened minutes ago. As it disappeared to the back of my mind. I yawned as he pulled me closer to him. Down we go, lying back down onto the soft mattress.

"Let's go back to sleep."

"I'm already on that." He yawned, throwing the blanket on us. Warping his hand around me. Holding me tight in his arms.

"You better be here when I wake up in the morning. I would be very disappointed if you leave me here alone." I whispered to him. He glanced at me with a 'Are you really serious' look. Shaking his head with a smile on his face.

"When am I not by your side?"

And that's when I noticed I had fallen really hard for this man.

More wholesome moments with your one and only Aizawa Shota.

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