chapter 20

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You look angry. Is anything wrong? You didn't even greet me when I brought your food.

His response came in quickly than I expected.

Sorry about that. I was pissed with my mother.

I remembered he always had issues with his mother and wondered why.

What happened?

Curiosity killing me, I hope he'll open up.

It's nothing much.

I eyed my phone as if it was him.

I noticed you always have issues with your mom, did she offend you?

It's nothing much, just don't bring up her matter, let's talk about something else.

I believed there was more that he wasn't saying but decided to shrug it off, he'll surely open up whenever he was ready.

Okay ooo.

While he was typing, someone snatched my phone from me and I looked up to meet Crystal's devilish smile.

"Who were you chatting with?" She questioned while scrolling through my phone.

"No one," I told her before attempting to snatch my phone back but her eyes widened as she read my chat.

"You're chatting with Tise?" She asked as if it wasn't obvious.

"Tise?" Juliana who was pressing her phone on her bed turned to us in surprise.

"Like the chat is long ooo, you guys have been chatting for how long now?" Crystal asked and I lifted my shoulders in a half shrug before successfully collecting my phone from her.

"Hmmm, K.Y," Juliana wriggled her brows at me as a mischievous smile appeared on her face.

"What? You guys always have hard thoughts sha, it's just normal chatting, nothing more," I assured them but their expressions showed they didn't believe me.

"It's still hard to believe you guys are chatting, I mean Tise is such a..." Crystal shook her head and I pursed my lips at her.

"That's where it do start from sha," Juliana teased and I eyed her before sliding my legs into my slippers and walking out of the room, if I should stay any minute longer, they'll tease me to death.

Arriving at the garden, it was as peaceful as always, then I took my seat on the bench before unlocking my phone to read Tise's message.

So how far with your sister's birthday preparation?

While typing my response, I heard the ruffling of the leaves and looked up only to meet Tise's smiling face.

"Hey?" He greeted before taking a seat beside me. I wonder why he sat beside me when there was an opposite bench which was like his own seat in the garden.

"Hi," I responded before clicking send on my phone. His phone chimed and he glanced at it before looking at me.

"You didn't have to reply again so far I'm already with you."

"Oh," I mouthed before turning back to my phone. Just when I presumed he would shut up and face what he came here for which was mostly to edit or write but then he wasn't with his laptop, he opened his mouth.

"Why did you reply late?"

I took a glance at him before responding,"My friend snatched the phone from me so, they were teasing me about chatting with you, they find it absurd."

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