chapter 10

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"Gbemi!" Juliana screamed immediately Gbemi stepped into our room, Juliana jumped on her that instant and their screams filled the whole house while Crystal and I exchanged looks.

"Look at you, you look so beautiful," Gbemi commented after they've finished screaming as Juliana released her from her grip.

"See who is talking, you look so breathtaking," Juliana replied and Gbemi smiled.

Then Juliana turned to Crystal and I, we were both seated on Crystal's bed watching a movie together before the entrance of Gbemi interrupted us.


"K.Y," Gbemi completed and Juliana turned to her in surprise.

"You know her?"

Gbemi shrugged, "Not really, I only saw her earlier, she brought Tise's lunch."

Juliana nodded in understanding, "Okay, anyway, she's my best friend, the Kanyinsola I told you about," then she turned to me, "And K.Y, this is Gbemi, she's the one that helped us get this job, you know right?"

"Yeah," I bobbed my head, "I'm really grateful to you Gbemi, thanks a lot."

Gbemi's smile increased, "It's nothing, I hope they're treating you well and I believe the only bastard in this house hasn't crossed your path."

I scrunched my brows, "Who is that?"


"Oh, not at all," I haven't even set my eyes on her ever since the last time.

"Better, if she tries nonsense, don't dull it for her oo, she has no authority in this house," Gbemi said and I nodded. Karen must be unloved by everyone in the family.

"Hey Crystal," Gbemi turned to Crystal who had been quiet all along.

"Hey," Crystal greeted with a small smile.

"Anyway, I'm inviting you guys to my birthday party this weekend, the I.V will be sent tomorrow and no excuse, you guys should come oooo."

"Sure," Crystal responded and I glanced at Juliana who looked ecstatic about it.

"We'll surely be there," Juliana added and I dashed her an hesitant look which she waved away. I'll surely talk to her about the issue later.

"Anyway, it's getting late already, let me start going home."

"Is your place not far from here?" Juliana inquired and Gbemi nodded.

"Yeah, my house is number 62, so, you can pay me a visit any time."

After bading Crystal and I bye, she walked out of our room with Juliana. My phone made a beep sound, instantaneously I rushed to my bed to pick it hoping it was Zayd, only for it to be a message from MTN, I hissed sharply before throwing the phone back to the bed.

Juliana walked in seconds later and Crystal quickly bombarded her with questions.

"You know Gbemi? How did you know her? When did you meet? What..."

Juliana cut her short, "Calm down, let me explain," then Juliana sat by her and I went back to my bed.

The movie forgotten, Juliana and Crystal went on with their discussion while I kept on checking my phone for a message from Zayd but it didn't come. Immediately he came online, I messaged him but the goat didn't even bother to respond, I even tried his number and he didn't pick.

"Is he ignoring your message nii?" Juliana asked and I hissed.

"He's online oo and he's not replying," I complained.

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