chapter 3

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Everything had been going well until he made some stupid move immediately we entered the hotel room, I should have known he would surely try nonsense at least he led me to a room in the hotel. I slapped his hands away from my exposed thighs and lifted a brows at him.

"What's wrong?" He inquired and I scoffed before moving to the edge of the bed.

"Everything is wrong, I'm only here to keep you company, why are you touching me?" I asked on top of my voice and he gave me a confused look.

Well, after much persuasion from Kike, I'd decided to go for the escort job after she told me the man only needed companionship and nothing more.

His expression changed to an amused one before talking, "Maybe they didn't tell you but you're to offer me sex too."
My eyes widened at this. Did Kike deceive me? What's going on? What... The touch on my laps brought me out of my thoughts, I slapped his hand away quickly and jumped on my feet.

"There's no way I'm sleeping with you!" I clarified and the man laughed. What have I gotten myself into? Ah, Kike will surely hate herself today? If at all I even want to sleep with someone, it'll now be this ugly paunchy man.

"You won't receive any pay then," he deadpanned and I nodded. I can't sell my dignity for just two-fifty thousand.

"Okay then, I guess my job here is done," I made to leave but he appeared before me.

"There's no way I'm letting a beauty like you go away just like that," he uttered huskily while trailing his hands across my face. I hope this man is not trying to do anything funny sha.

"There's no way you're stopping me," I said before pushing his hands away from my face.

He scoffed before moving closer to me while I stepped back and in a blink of an eye he pushed me to the bed.

"Get away from me," I screamed and he flung me a slap that reverberated throughout the room and that angered me, I watched as he unbuckled his bed and I opened my purse slowly, immediately he got on top of me, I brought out my pepper spray and sprayed it on his face, quickly, I scampered out of the room ignoring his calls.

I sighed immediately I got out of the hotel. Thank God I suspected it and brought my pepper spray with me. I tried looking for a taxi or bike but I couldn't find any, it was getting late already and the roads were busy, I knew I had to get away from the place quickly before the man appeared.

I decided to walk away from the hotel while still looking for a means of transportation, 'Starlight' which was the name of the brothel we lived was far from this place so there was no way I could trek home. While flagging down a taxi that zoomed past me much to my dismay because it wasn't full yet, a black Benz pulled up in front of me and I scoffed. Could today be any better?

"Hey," a voice that sounded somehow familiar called from the car and I turned to him, well, today couldn't be better 'cause my eyes actually met with the idiot that harassed me the other day, what did he even call himself gan?

"What do you want?" It came out harshly just as I intended.

"Looks like I could be of help to you," he uttered and I chuckled.

"Well, I don't need your help."

I heard him chortle and I wondered what could be funny, "Your face says otherwise, look, I know you might be angry at me and I've apologized, I wasn't sane that day."

"And do I look like someone that cares to know? Please, move away," I hissed before walking away but he got out of his car and grabbed my hand.

I released my hand from his grip before dashing him a deadly look.

Sour Twistsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें