chapter 5

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Back in Starlight, the streets were always rowdy, noisy, bustling and bubbly most especially at night and yeah it was fun but here at Crimson estate, everything was dry. The streets are as silent as a graveyard and hardly would you see anyone pass.

"He's always in his room all day long," Crystal explained as we walked down to the Supermarket in the estate.

I looked away from the beautiful buildings that were painted in white too which explained why where I worked was also white, virtually all houses I've set my eyes on in the estates were in the same colour.

"Why? He doesn't work or something?" I enquired and she shook her head.

"Actually, he works in his room but then he's a student too," she explained and I nodded.

"Meaning he only leaves his room to school right?"

"Yeah," she bobbed her head.

"What a boring life!" I uttered and she laughed. I can't imagine myself being in the same rotation, from my room to school and school back to my room, how boring would that be.

"And you think that boy is not Yahoo Yahoo Sha? What type of job warrants you staying in your room all day? He doesn't even come down to eat, what type of human being is that?"

She stifled a chuckle, "Okay, let me explain it to you, the thing is  ever since his father's death, he doesn't go out again, before he goes out with his friends but now it's like his room is the only place for him, he doesn't even come down to eat or do anything, he always lock himself up in his room. The first few weeks of the death, he didn't even come out at all, let alone eat, he just started going back to school like some months ago and I think he went somewhere with his friends, other than that, the normal jovial and outgoing guy disappeared to be replaced by an introvert..." She shook her head, " And no, he's not a Yahoo guy but a writer."

"Uh," my mouth hung open for some seconds, "A writer? Like you mean the guy is a writer?" My tone was laced with surprise, I was still finding it hard to believe that a guy was a writer in this Nigeria.

She nodded, "Yeah, he's a writer, he's quite popular, you might not know him though, I read lots of his works, you don't read novels right?"

"Yeah, not a fan of novels," I replied and she chuckled.

"So, his room is like his workplace, he loves his space a lot main reason he doesn't allow anyone into his room," she continued and I pursed my lips. This Small Oga sounds weird to me Sha.

"That's something oo and you're sure he's not hiding something in that his room Sha?"

She erupted into a boisterous laughter that revealed her tiny diastema which twinkled under the sunlight and complimented her glossy dark skin, the laughter was contagious and I found myself laughing too.

"Anyway, what of that Karen? What's her deal?" I asked with plain disgust, we'd met twice again after the last incident and all she did was throw me glares as if we'd met before and prove she was the boss.

She hissed before replying, "That one ke? She's doing as if she owns the house when she owns nothing, Tumi is the only daughter in that house oo, you see that Karen ehn, she's the daughter of Madam's boyfriend."

"Boyfriend? Like boyfriend? Is she not married or something?"I asked with surprise evident in my tone.

She shook her head, "Her husband died like six months ago."

My eyes widened upon the revelation, "Oh and she already has a boyfriend."

Crystal hissed again, "You too you can see and the man is so shameless that he started living with us two months after the death of her husband, he's actually Karen's father Sha, so, Karen is not related to the real owners, she's just proud."

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