Chapter 90- detention again

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Warning: torture (use of unforgivable curses) please read at own risk.

Weeks have passed and the end of term is approaching- finally. I'll miss Hogwarts, It's been my home for three years, but god I'm glad to be leaving.

Since Dumbledores army was found, things have been even worse. Everyone had been set two detentions a week, with Umbridge for the rest of the year. And of course, me and Harry are forced to use the more painful quills. I'm proud to say that I haven't flipped out at her once, as much as I'd really like to at this point. It's finally our last detention and I couldn't be happier.

Last night, me and the boys sat and discussed an exit plan. We can't deal with this anymore, we don't need our NEWTS- well, I probably do, but Voldemort's back, who cares about that right now. And of course, we're the troublesome four that people have grown to love, we've got to make an awesome exit plan. It's set for tomorrow, so only one day at this hell hole of a school. How my dads going to take it, I don't know. Knowing him he'll probably be quite proud of me. Molly however, is a different story, and dropping out of school a month early- she might not take that well.

The fireworks are prepared, and have been invented by the four of us, of course. Harry and the others are taking their owls tomorrow so the plan is to set them off half way through. It'll show Umbitch who's to be messed with anyway. It's going to be absolutely hilarious. The best part is, there's going to be a huge dragon firework, that if everything goes to plan, is going to chase the bitch out of the hall.

For this last week, the boys and I have been causing as much mayhem as possible. We dyed Fliches hair green, painting moustaches on every single portrait- they weren't happy about that. We've even tried love potion on Umbridge- yet much to my dismay, my godfather had to feed her the cure. That pissed me off a little. For the first time in his life, Snape has laughed, finding his office upside down actually quite amusing. Yet after a few seconds of that laughter, issued us all detention so we had to turn it back. It was worth dusting all of the trophy room though- more time for planning. We even got Minnie- we had to because she couldn't have us going soft. We of course, made it nice and simple, she is our favourite after all. Just a simple charm that locked her in her office for half the day- in reality I think she rather liked the piece and quiet.

Me and Fred even had a romantic night to ourselves. As the room of requirement is no longer in use- non of us really wishing to continue it after what had happened, me and Fred took it upon ourselves.
He led me to the room, where the layout of a nice living room was placed. He had the house elves cook our favourite foods, and even a little bit of fire whisky was involved. We ended up staying the whole night in there anyway. It was certainly a good night.

And that brings us to the present- our final detention of the year. But as we arrived outside her office, and was lead to the great hall- we were quite shocked. At the front of the hall stood several ministry members, each held wicked smiles on their faces as we poured into the hall. We took our seats at our assigned desks.

I noticed that the hall was practically full, and was beginning to wonder if maybe Umbridge had gotten even more mad. There were even first years here, ones that most likely had done nothing wrong. It seemed that pretty much the whole school was there, rows of chairs set as if we were taking exams. I rolled my eyes as I saw her make her way to the front, greeting the ministry members as if she were the queen. There was a man and woman stood at the front, they looked rather alike. And then another man stood to the right side of the trio, looking down at the kids with a wide smirk as they walked into the hall. It was rather creepy if I'm honest.

I was placed far away from Fred, George and Lee. In fact, it surprised me that they had put me next to Harry. We were at the very front, whilst the boys placed in the back. I didn't hesitate to begin writing, simply grabbed my quill and started. The agonising pain shot through my hand, yet I only carried on, not giving it a second thought.

Pregnant by a Weasley: FredxreaderOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara