Chapter 56- astronomy date

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"I'm worried about Fred, Ginny."
It was the day we had been waiting for, finally time to get back to Hogwarts. To say the least, I was excited, very excited. I'd miss my dad, and family, but I couldn't wait, a part of me knew that Hogwarts was my home, something I had never felt before. Or, maybe it was just the feeling of being with my friends, and Fred of course.

"Why's that?" Ginny asks, pulling me out of my thoughts. Fred had been sneaking around a lot with George lately, if I was to enter the room, they'd hide pieces of paper in their draws, and completely ignore the fact that they were obviously up to no good. What hurt me most, was that it can't be anything to do with the joke shop, surely they would have told me, I'm their best friend. Not once have they even kept a secret from me, well, except the one about Fred being in love with me. I couldn't help but feel both concerned, and a little hurt.

"He's just been distant lately, that's all. George too."
Ginny sighed, "look. I'm not supposed to tell you this, but if it will make you feel better, just know that they're planning something nice for you. You can't tell them I told you though."
Something nice? What? But god, I was so relieved.
"Oh thank god. I thought they were just getting bored of me." I laugh.
"Y/N. For starters your George's best friend, and I'll tell you, he loves you like his little sister, even if you are older. And Fred. Y/N I don't know how you don't see it. But Fred would die for you. He's completely and utterly in love with you. Something I've never seen before, especially from him." She said, I sighed and rushed over to hug her.
"Thanks Gin. I know your right."
"I always am, aren't I? Now come on. We've got to get going to the platform soon."

We went downstairs, trunks in hand, where we continued to chat. We had made it just about half way down the stairs, when Ginny suddenly jumped and screams were heard, yelling my name.

Before I knew it, I was laid on my already healing back, at the bottom of the stairs, after falling down the rest. I must have hit my head hard, because the last thing I saw was Molly and Fred, leaning over me, before my eyes closed. My back throbbing in pain.

I opened my eyes. The sight before me was a blur, and I had to blink a few times to stay in focus. The white room, and many beds, lay out before my eyes. The usual room and face I dreaded to see, but had gotten so used to waking up to. God. I really was clumsy.
"Hey Poppy." I groaned, my back seemed to hurt just as much as it did when I fell off the broom. "Back already?"
Turning my head, I saw Molly and uncle Moony.
"Oh. Hey mum. Hey uncle Moony."
"Y/N dear. That's not your mum. That's Mrs Weasley." Poppy said to me.
I went to reply, but was cut off by Molly herself, "it's alright Poppy. She calls me that sometimes." She laughs, "she's like my daughter."
"So, what happened." I interrupted.
"Well, your idiot of a boyfriend and his twin brother, threw their suitcases down the stairs, without checking to see if anyone was stood there." Molly said, obviously appalled by the matter. I myself, found it rather funny, but wouldn't dare tell Molly that.

"Boyfriend?" Poppy chimes in, obviously very excited in the way she said it.
"Oh yeah, long story short, me and Fred are together now." I explained.
I didn't get much of a reaction, only a sigh of 'finally'.
"And where's the devil now?" I asked, referring to Fred.
"I wouldn't let him in." Molly says, arms folded, "I was angry with him, and I told him that you would be too. So it's best that he didn't come in. He's probably crying outside the door now, actually."
I laughed, of course I was a little pissed off, but I didn't feel angry.
"And why did I come back to Hogwarts, instead of you fixing me up Molly?" I asked.
This time it was my uncles time to speak, "all the progress you made, with your back injury was reversed, meaning that it's just as bad as it was when you fell. Me and your father thought it would be better, if you got some proper help. After all, we didn't know how bad the damage was."

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