Chapter 95- back from the dead?

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Y/N's pov:

I couldn't explain the feeling, nor could I explain what was running through my head that made me do it. My legs were moving before my brain could even catch up. Would I do it again though? Yes I would.

For what I assumed to be a few minutes, everything went black, I couldn't see a single thing. But then the scene changed again, and I felt myself shaking to what I saw. I only recognised him in paintings, but somehow he appeared just like I had imagined. His beard was long, rather like Dumbledore's, but he looked so much wiser. He had a small smile on his face, and a twinkle in his eye. At first, I looked behind me to see if there were someone else in view, wondering why one of the best wizards in history would be smiling at me.

But then he spoke. "I've been awaiting your arrival, Miss Black."
I couldn't do anything except nod, as I waited for him to say something else.
"Well, I think I may have put the phrase Godric Gryffindor into reality for you." He chimed.
I laughed through my confusion, waiting for my questions to be answered.

"Where am I?" Was my first.
He gave an amused smile as he answered through a laugh, "Now if I was to say hell, would you believe me?"
"Most likely yes." I laughed, "But that wouldn't explain why my dads not next to me right now.... And my uncle James."
Gryffindor gave a small laugh, "You know Miss Black, you remind me a lot of myself when I was younger."
I smiled, it was always a compliment to be compared to Godric Gryffindor.
"Now, to answer your question." He returned serious, "You're here to make a decision."
"And that decision is?"
"If you wish to return?" He said flatly.
"We can go back?" I questioned.
"You are alive, Y/N." He smiled, "You can return if you wish."
I smiled warmly at the man, before it faltered. "And my dad?"

His smile dropped, and his eyes sympathetic, "He was hit by the killing curse Y/N."
Tears flowed from my eyes, as I begged the man. "Please! There has to be another way! There has to! Anything. I'll do anything!"
He sighed, "There is. It isn't even an option for most. He can return, as can you. But you'll paty a great sacrifice." He warned.
I didn't need to take a moment to think. This was my dad, and my dad was going to be returning with me. He was going to walk me down the isle one day at my wedding, and he's going to hold his grandchild in his arms. He was not dying on me today! I'd had two years with him in my life, not even forever was enough.

"Do it."


Fred's pov:

I had to be dragged away. Dragged from the panic and chaos and weeps of many of the surrounding people. Yet none were as loud as mine. I felt my body hit the floor again, as I hit the grass outside the burrow. I buried my head into the grass, as my mother came rushing out of the doors.
Harry had been taken straight to the hospital, with Dumbledore, but my family surrounded me. I couldn't bare to see the tears in their eyes, I couldn't physically see with the amount leaking from mine. Mum rushed towards me, hugging me tightly as she saw the state she was in.

She didn't know what was wrong, but I could feel her shaking, as she checked me for injuries, assuming that something was wrong with me. I couldn't speak, I couldn't even bare to tell her what had happened. It makes it even more real, and I was still praying that this was a dream.
But I knew that someone must have informed her of the situation, as the next minute, her own cries clashed with my own, as we lay on the grass in distraught.


Y/N's pov:

We hit the ground at great force, my dad secured tightly at my side.
"Y/N?" He whispered, "Never do that again."
"Dad I couldn't just leave you!" I reasoned.
"I don't care, you have your whole life ahead of you!"
A few moments passed as we lay on the hard floor we had been stationed at only hours before. I was in pain, a lot of it. But I couldn't quite figure out what it was yet.
"Pup?" I hummed in reply, "I love you."

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