Chapter 37- preparations

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Y/N's pov:
A new day. Only one more day until the task. I'm extremely nervous as I'm not sure what I have to do, but I'm sure that the task can't be that hard, after all I am at an advantage, being able to speak to dragons and all.

A tiny tap echoed on my bedroom window. I stood up and opened it, letting a brown owl I've never seen before soar in. I quickly ripped it open after seeing the usual hand writing of the man I'd missed so much.

Good luck tomorrow. I know that you can do it. Please be careful dear, I can't lose my daughter. I've only just got her back. I'll be rooting for you, of course. I'll send Harry my best wishes as well, but in the few months that I've known you, I know you can crush him Y/N. Don't tell him I said that though. :-)

How are things with Fred? ;-)
I'm only joking kiddo.
Although, one day it wouldn't be painful to see him as my son in law. ONE DAY! Not yet! And I especially don't want little baby Weasleys yet, although I'm sure they would be adorable.

I can't tell you where I am, but I've found Moony- I can't use his real name because of the chances of someone finding me. I'm doing really well Y/N and can't wait to see you. That reminds me, Moony will pick you up at the station at Christmas, your coming to see me. The Weasleys are also coming about three weeks into the holiday, so that'll be nice for you.

Your in your own room though! NO BOYS!
I hope your alright kiddo.

Please don't reply to this letter, I can't risk it.
Love you.

Thank god! My dad was alright! I felt so relieved to hear from him again. I know that he will be being fed enough now, and he's got a place to stay with uncle Moony. And I get to see him at Christmas, we can finally get to know one another. This was all I wanted, well, that and Fred. But I'm not going to hang over that.

I got ready for the day, and decided for once, to leave the boys in bed a little. As the first task was tomorrow, we get a few days off. It would be a relief, but then I'm reminded of the reason as to why. Because I've got to fight a dragon. Great!

I snuck down to the common room to see that it was deserted. Not a single soul in sight. It'll be nice to have some me time. I might visit Fleur. I'm ready for a good catch up. I made my way to breakfast to see only one other person sat at the Ravenclaw table. To my luck, it was Fleur.

"Hey Fleur." I said, walking closer.
"Y/N! Finally! I av missed ou." She said in French. There was really no need to speak in English as there was no one else around, so that's what we did.
"So...... Anyone caught your eye?" I asked.
She laughed, "no but I can see that someone's caught yours." She nodded her head in the opposite direction. With a look of confusion I followed her eyes and came face to face with Fred, who was smiling at me.
"I'm not even going to deny it." I said with a sigh. She laughed. I didn't feel that I needed to hide anything from Fleur, we were best friends from the age of three, so therefore she could read me like an open book.
"Ahhh so it's true then. He's coming over. He can't speak French can he?" I shook my head, "what's his name anyway?"
"Fred Weasley. You know his older brother Bill." I said with a wink. She blushed madly.
"That's the one you call your brothers, brother?" This sentence confused me.
"Erm yeah." I said.

"Hello love." Fred came over and sat at the side of me, kissing my head softly. I looked at him for some sort of explanation but he just avoided eye contact, maybe he didn't mean to do it.
"Hey Freddie. You know Fleur right?" I asked.
"Hello Fred." Fleur said in her accent.
"Hello." He said, smiling politely.

Fleur said a sassy remark in French. "Oh my god, Y/N! He totally likes you!"
"Shut it Fleur."

"I feel so left out." Laughed Fred.
"Sorry, Fleur was just saying that she knows Bill." I said.
"Oh. You do? Oh wait, I forgot you went to school together. Honestly it feels like I've know you forever Y/N." Fred laughs.
I smile, he's known me for one and a half years, and already considers me a big part in his life, it made me feel better.

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