Chapter 51- Grimmaud place?

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Y/N's pov:
It was finally time for Christmas, and I was so excited, not only would I be seeing Molly again, but my dad and Uncle Moony too. I'd be taking the train back with the boys, and meeting my uncle there. Dad said it was too risky to come out and get me, which to be perfectly honest, I agree with him. I wouldn't want him going back to that awful place, I wouldn't allow it, and I'll do everything in my power to stop him from being sent back. The Weasleys were going to be arriving around 3 weeks into the Christmas break, but sadly, Harry wasn't allowed to come straight away, something about 'Dumbledores orders', I didn't really know.

We had just pulled up to the station, after having a long nap on Freds lap, as he held me all through the train journey. I'll admit, we did receive some comments from George and Lee, and some nasty glares were shot at Fred as people walked past. Why they were picking on Fred I don't know. But he never seemed to care so as long as it was only a glare, I wouldn't kill them.... yet.

"You ready darling? Mums missed you more than us." Fred laughs.
"Well, who wouldn't. Lee does. Don't you Lee-Lee?" I teased, throwing an arm around the boy.
"Course I do. You'll always be my best friend Y/N." He said, hugging me goodbye.
"And you Lee. Anyway, have fun in America, and tell your mum hi." I say, smiling. I had gotten Lee the same Christmas present as last year, another trip to see his mum. He loved it so much last year, that I found it fitting that it was to be repeated.
"Course I will. She really wants to meet you. Anyway, have a good Christmas guys." He hugged the twins after releasing me, and we stepped off the train.

I instantly spotted the family of red heads, and both Fred and George, ran forwards to greet their mother, who was smiling in my direction. I'd go and say hello in a moment, but right now, a more important thing was on my mind. It wasn't on my mind long, as I saw the familiar man who had grown to be family.

"Uncle Moony!" I screamed, and ran forwards, lunging into the mans arms. "It's so good to see you! I've missed you!"
"I've missed you too Y/N." He said, laughing happily.
"Who's this?" I asked, looking at a pink haired girl on the right of him.
"Hello. I'm Tonks. Actually your cousin." She greeted, holding out a hand.
I greeted her back, and I could tell, me and this girl were going to get on just fine. She seemed a little like an older sister, something I'd always wanted, so I smiled happily at her.

Then I dragged my uncle over to the Weasleys, where Molly let go of Ron and came rushing into my direction, "Y/N my dear. I've missed you so much."
I hugged her back tightly and said, "I've missed you too Molly. But I'll see you in three weeks."
"Three weeks?" She questioned, "I thought we were coming straight away?"

I only smirked at her.
"Isn't that fight Remus?" She continued.
Remus looked at me weirdly, obviously not knowing where the information was coming from.
"Well that's up to you Molly, you can either come now, or you could use your Christmas present." I said happily.
She looked at me again confused so I continued by pulling a slip of paper out of my bag and handing it over.

She read it aloud,

Dear Y/N Wood. I am pleased to inform you that your stay in Egypt for 9 people had been accepted. Please join us, tomorrow for your three week stay and vacation.
We hope this letter finds you well, and you enjoy your trip."

Molly looks even more confused so I explain, "Molly, as your Christmas presents, I've combined them together. I know you've never really been on a family vacation, so I wanted you to experience one."
She looks at me, her expression not changing so I grow uncomfortable and say, "you don't have to come..... it was just..... well I thought you deserved it."

Before I could say anymore, the woman breaks up into sobs, gripping me tightly into her embrace. I make eye contact with the group of Weasleys who all seem to be ecstatic. "Y/N, that's so nice of you, thank you! Right, I guess we will be off then, eight bags to pack takes time."
"Eight?" I question.
"Yes, I assume that you'll be packing your own Y/N." She says.
"Molly, I'm not going." I say.
"What?" Asks Fred from behind his mum,
I give him the dead eye as if to say, 'shut up.'

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