Chapter 91- weasleys departure

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Y/N's pov;

It's safe to say that I got many different reactions in regards to me being expelled, again.

I arrived outside Grimmauld place, happy to see my home again, a place that I've been in need of for a while. Yet I hesitate as I reach the front door. I've just been fucking expelled.... again.

Surely it's not an issue though? I mean, I've been expelled before, it's not the first time. And this time it's my last year anyway, there was only like a month of school to begin with.

I trekked up the concrete steps that led to the old house. The black walls towering over the street as if they were home for royalty. If I'm honest, I didn't really like the house. You could read it like a book, and you didn't even have to know my so called 'grandparents' to know what kind of people they were. Prejudiced  pure bloods, id say.

Yet I remind myself as I have many times, it's not the house that makes a home, it's the people I share it with. And as I reach the grand door of Grimmaud place, I know that this is where my family is. Well, some of it anyway. Remus and dad.

Have I ever knocked? No.
Do I plan on knocking? No.
Should I really knock because there's a good chance that the two of them are shagging. Probably.

I swing the door open, casually strolling into the house. It didn't look as clean as it did at Christmas. It almost made me laugh. It seems that Molly didn't have the effect on my parents as she did on her children.

"Filthy blood-traitor, following in the footsteps of a pointless excuse for a father. Corrupted by the half breed. I tell you. You could have been great. A proper grandchild of mine." A voice spat from behind me, and I didn't even have to turn to identify it.
I rolled my eyes, speaking with true emotions- that I didn't give a fuck what that bitch wanted, "hello Walaburga."
"Such disrespect." The woman growled, sounding far too much like Kreature, "talking to her own grandmother like that. No doubt from her father."
"Do not stand here and criticise me and my dad like that. Piss off and go to your other frame if we bother you that much. Don't think that we want your company." I growled, making the woman gasp in horror at the 'disrespect' and 'cursing'.
Nonetheless the woman decided she'd retreat, slowly disappearing out of her frame, after sending me a roll of the eyes.

"And what, are you doing home?"
I knew the voice all too well, and instantly jumped into his arms.
A laugh emerged from his lips as he hugged me back, gently swaying from side to side. I'd missed him truly.
"Hey uncle Rem." I said, smiling up at him.
"What are you doing here?" He asked, a genuine smile plastered upon his face, yet a look of worry traced his eyes.
"Don't. Don't get mad." I said wearily, my smile dropping to more of a look of fake innocence. It was bad really, it came all too easily.
"Y/N! What did you do this time?" His voice was sterner, and he even tried to hide the look of amusement that was so temped to pop from his eyes.
"I couldn't stay there any longer, Uncle Moony. It was killing me. So I did the only thing I thought logic. I left. Well, I got expelled, but I already decided that I was leaving before." I explained quickly, my words jumbling as I contained further into the lie. There was no chance that I would risk people finding out about the curse that was placed upon me. They'd go ballistic, and my dad really would be send to Azkaban for a murder. So I had to play it safe, stick with the lie, and work it out alone.

He sighed deeply, almost with annoyance, yet I knew that it was for show. He had wanted to be a good parent after all. Yet his anger dropped to a small smirk, pulling me back into a hug, "oh Y/N. What are we going to do with you?"
"Not tell Molly?" I hoped, trying to master my cutest pleading face. Molly Weasley would never let me hear the end of it. Especially since I promised her I would be expelled again, not after the last time.

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