Chapter 73- Caught in the act

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Warning: smut!!!!!
(Kind of)

Today I've had a day, that was quite unimaginable. I couldn't really believe the events that have taken place. The first being the one that scarred me for life, the second, probably being the best thing that has ever happened.

Flash back:
After getting back from the ministry, I was probably the happiest I had ever been. Molly made a huge dinner, in which we shared talking happily. Fred was to my left, as usual, and my dad across from me in his usual seat. My right was preoccupied by none other than George, and Uncle Moony across from him. We had been joined by Tonks, as usual, who greeted us happily. I love Tonks, she's the perfect cousin, and I love her sense of humour.

"Oh my! How did you do that?" I looked towards the end of the table, seeing that Tonks's nose had formed the shape of a beak. Ginny and Hermione- although being the one to know about Tonks powers, were amazed by the transformation. I too laughed, and turned so that only George could see me, shaping it into the form of a pig. George gasped, before laughing loudly. I too, laughed along with him, turning to look at my dad, who also joined. I felt a tap on my knee, and shaking out of the moment, I turned towards my loving but annoying boyfriend.
"What?" I whispered.
"Wanna go upstairs?" He asked, wiggling his eyebrows, a playful smirk on his face.
Although it was tempting, Molly had made us a nice dinner, and we were going to have a nice evening.
"Fred, we can't. Your mums put a lot of effort into this dinner." I whispered. He gave me a pout, but I just turned around to pay attention to George. It wasn't long after, when I felt Freds hand travel up my knee, and circle my inner thigh. As his hand became higher, I snapped my legs closed, unable to hold them still, and I didn't even have to look towards him, to see the smirk on his face. I bit my lip, as his hand remained, tracing shapes into my thigh. I tried to concentrate best I could on whatever George was telling me, something about Charlie's dragons.

After a few minutes of ignoring him, which was obvious it pissed him off, I found myself no longer distracted by his hands. I told myself, that if I ignored him, he would stop, and I wouldn't give in to him. All this went out the window, when his hand shot, even higher, causing me to gasp. Although proud of himself, Fred saw that as the surrounding members of the table turned to me, that it would be a good time to remove his hand.
"Are you alright dear?" Molly asked, coming round towards me, a look of concern.
"Yes, Sorry Molly. I'm not feeling too well, I must still have whatever I did the other day." I smiled slightly.
As Fred let out a snigger from the side of me, I made sure to use as much power as possible, to stomp on his foot.
"Oh my dear, you poor thing. Go on, off you go to bed. You need to rest." She ordered, sending me a small smile, and gesturing for me to leave the room.

As I entered the hall way, I could still hear the muffled voices from the kitchen, but managed to catch something that made my breathing hitch.
"Fred, why don't you follow her. Make sure she's alright. And if she has any signs of a temperature, give her these." Mollys voice spoke.
"Sure thing mum." The reply made my footsteps quicken, as I heard the scraping of the chair from the kitchen. I knew that tone, and I knew that it came with a smirk.

I rushed up the stairs, avoiding the creaks, in hope to make it seem like I really was unwell. If it's one thing that I will never admit, is how much I need him. I need Fred. After the date, and quite possibly the best night of my life, Fred couldn't even touch me without my heart racing. But I'd never tell him that. Just like I'm about to tell him, that I purposely gasped at the table..... in front of all our family and friends.
Sure....... like he's going to believe that.

When I entered my room, I panicked. I could hear Freds footsteps coming up the stairs, and I already knew exactly what both of us wanted. But it was different now, we were in my house, where all our family sat downstairs, surely we couldn't do that. Or could we?

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