Chapter 70- run Harry

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All night I haven't been able to sleep. Not even in Fred's arms. When I fall asleep, all I see in my dreams are Harry. Harry running down a dark tunnel, his wand clutched in his hand, and then I wake up. No explanations, no idea as to why, no more hints, nothing. I just can't shake the feeling that somethings wring, but we've been forbidden to write to him again.

I sighed and got out of bed, untangling myself from the tight grip that Fred had around my waist. I placed a soft kiss on the top of his head, and quickly changed into some clothes for the day. When I arrived downstairs, I was shocked to see that my dad, Remus and Sirius were all in the kitchen. Tonks smiled brightly at me, I had taken an instant liking to the clumsy girl.
"Hey Tonks, dad, uncle Moony. Couldn't sleep either?"

My question was completely blown off by my dad, "Y/N. We've decided that you and Tonks are going to go out for a little while today."
I stared at my dad confused as to why, after all, no one was allowed to leave the house.
"It's just that, we want to cheer you up a little, you haven't been yourself recently, and I thought, what better than to spend some girl time with your new cousin." Dad said.

I think I smiled brighter than I ever had done, "Oh my gosh really? Fuck yeah! Can Hermione and Gin come?"
"Yeah." Dad and Tonks said and the same time as Moony said "Language."
"Yes, I'll go and get them. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you!"
I hurried off up the stairs to wake the girls, who were in the shared room on the second floor.

"Mione! Ginny!" I screamed, swinging the door open and revealing the girls, still sleeping in their beds.
"Piss off Y/N. It's too early." Ginny whined.
"Get up! I've got news!" I said, pulling the covers back off the girl. "Tonks is taking us shopping!"
In the blink of an eye, the girls were already up, and jumping up and down in excitement. It may not seem like a big deal, but after being stuck inside all this time, we definitely needed to go out.
"I'll meet o you both downstairs." I laughed.

I quickly ran up to my room, to slip on some better clothes, if it's the first time that I'm going out, I may as well dress up for it.
I picked out a casual mid length checked dress. It was black and white with thin string straps, and I added a black belt. I wore some casual white trainers, and kept my hair in the plaits. I might have been overdressed, but it was summer, the first time I could go out, so there was no chance I was going to skip the opportunity.

I rushed down the stairs, and bumped into Fred, who I noticed looked me up and down. I felt my heart flutter when I saw him take his bottom lip between his teeth. His eyes went straight to my chest, where a small amount of cleavage was on show, due to the low cut dress.
"Eyes up here." I threatened, pulling his chin up to look at me.
He laughed a little, and a faint blush was prominent in his cheeks. "Where are you off to love?"
"Tonks is taking us girls shopping! I can't wait! So we will be back tonight, alright?" I said, feeling a rush of excitement. I hugged him tightly, which made him laugh. As usual, his arms folded around my waist, and he placed a soft kiss on my lips, followed by my forehead.
"Stay safe, alright?" He said, I could tell that he was happy for me, but also worried. But I'd be fine, right?
Tonks is a trained Auror, plus, there's four of us going.

We took the floo network, to result in us ending up in the middle of Diagon Alley. It was busy, but the atmosphere felt odd. It was a little quieter than usual. Maybe we had just come at a time where everyone was working?
I noticed that there was a few of the various shops that were closed, one of them being the ice cream shop, that Molly had once let us visit. It was mainly the smaller shops that had closed, through the glass windows, the rooms were dark, and honestly they looked abandoned.

The girls and I had a lovely time. I managed to buy myself a few new outfits. I had also gotten a present for Fred and George, as I knew that they were bored in the house, whilst Ginny and Hermione handled Rons gift.

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