Chapter 31- the unexpected

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Fred leads me by the hand down the corridors of the school. We had to be quiet and alert as we didn't have the map, and it was after hours.

All of a sudden we stop, and Fred starts the tickle the pair on one of the paintings. I look at him confused, why on Earth was he doing what, surely he doesn't find that funny. I knew he was a jokester but I thought he was a funny one.
"It's how you get it." He says, as if he can read my mind. Oh wait, it's me that can do that.

Suddenly a door opens and we slip inside to what is revealed as the Kitchens. Lots of house elves are running around frantically before collecting plates and dishes.
"Mr Weasley." A small elf turns up, "Winky has missed you. Whose the pretty girl you have brought with you?"
"Hey Winky. This is Y/N. Y/N Wood. She is rather pretty isn't she?" Fred replies.

I ignore the comment by rolling my eyes and turn to greet the elf.
"Hello Miss Wood. You and Mr Weasley look really well together. I'm happy that he has found someone, even with the other Mr Weasley I've not seen him this happy." Winky says.
"Lovely to meet you Winky. And please, you can call me Y/N. Me and Freddie aren't together but thank you. I'm glad he's happy." I say politely.
"Of course, Y/N." She replies, "I'll get you that food, Mr Weasley."

"How on earth did you get her to do that?" Fred asks after the elf had turned and left.
"Get her to call you by name, I've been trying for years." He laughs.
I laugh before saying, "I guess she must just like me more."

Winky shortly returns with the food and we sit eating together.
"Are you excited for the names to be drawn tomorrow? I've heard pretty boy has entered." Fred asks.
"Yes. I didn't really like the idea of him doing it, but he assures me he will be fine. Plus there's no stopping him anyway." I laugh.
"Well then why didn't you stop me?" He says, acting offended.
"Because Fredrick. I knew it wouldn't work." I say.
"Hey.. hey. No! I'm your Freddie! Not Frederick and not Fred!" He demands. I laugh lightly before turning back to eat. We make conversation and have a good laugh.

The next morning:

Freds pov:

"So it's Y/N's birthday tomorrow, what shall we do?" Lee asks. It was me, Lee and George hanging in the common room as we wait for Y/N to get ready for breakfast.
"Well." I begin, "she's never had a birthday before, so I was thinking, what if we throw her a party. Her birthdays Friday night so the drinking won't even effect her. Quidditch practice is tonight, so she won't need to worry about that, and then she doesn't meet with the English team till Monday so that's fine too."

"That's a good idea, I'm sure she will love that. We will go to Hogsmede tonight and pick up a few bottles of fire whisky." George and Lee agree.

"Alright, I'll do the decorations and music. I think we should just have our friends here: and maybe a few of Y/N's?" I ask.
"Yes, but that'll mean you'll have to invite Diggory." George says.
"No chance." I grunt.

"Hey guys." I turn to see Y/N dressed in her robes, smiling as she reached the bottom of the stairs.
*whistle- coming from Lee.
Y/N spins poshly as she pretends she's wearing a ball gown.
"Hey love." I say, walking over and giving her a hug. "Ready for breakfast?"
"Yep. I'm starving. Plus I don't think Rons up yet so I'd like to get a head start on the food." She laughs.

The four of us link arms, and begin our way to the hall.

That night:
Y/N emerges from the stairs as the whole quidditch team are sat in the common room. We have everyone, except from a keeper.
"Right." She addresses the group, "I'm not Ollie. So things are gonna be different. Don't get me wrong, we think alike, if your taking the piss and missing practice everyday, your off the team. But however, unlike my dear brother, having us up and practising at 5 am, on weekends practice start at 7, and during the week are held straight after class, twice a week. Right then, the other thing is, usually Ollie would hold try outs, so it seems fair and everything, but I don't give a shit, to me, your all on the team. If you have any problems with that leave now. I'll be holding try out for keeper on Saturday but I'll pin up a leaflet anyway. Everyone alright with that?" She took her role really well, she was certainly like her brother. With nods to the response of her speech she continues, "alright then, we've got an hour and half before dinner, so let's get a move on."

Pregnant by a Weasley: FredxreaderWhere stories live. Discover now