Chapter 50- THE BLACK LAKE?

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I just wanted to warn that in this scene it mentions drowning. It is a prank and not at all real, but I thought that I should warn you guys just incase you weren't comfortable reading it.

I also wanted to mention that this scene does involve a shark. I know that some people are afraid of sharks and didn't want to upset anyone.

Y/N pov:

I felt a hand place itself around my neck.
I didn't even look back, "I swear, whoever the fuck you are, get your hand off me before I break your arm."
I'm waking through the halls, on my way to the library, in hope to search for any clue on what the egg could mean.
"Woah." I turn around and see Fred behind me, wide eyed but then a smirk forms from his face. He leans down and whispers in my ear, "that was so fucking hot."

I feel my cheeks go rosey red. We begin to walk down the corridor together, and Fred wraps an arm around my waist, his hand keeps brushing against my thigh as we walk at different places, him pulling me along, due to the height difference.
"Fred. Don't get me wrong, I bloody love you, but if you keep me waking at this pace I'm going to die." I say exhausted.
I see a hint of mischief in his eyes, "well, I could make it so you can't walk if you want? But if not, I guess you'll have to put up with my pace."
"I..i..w...what?" I stutter madly as I look into his loving chocolate eyes, that now hold a twinkle in them as he stares into mine.
He comes closer and brushed his mouth along the edge as he whispers, "cat got your tongue? I'm kidding love."
He starts to laugh and laugh, terribly amused by the state that he has put me in.
"Shut up!" I say, looking down due to the amount of embarrassment.

The truth is, I know me and Fred have only been dating for a couple of days, but it felt like years. We may have not been together officially, but I trusted him with my life, we didn't see other people, we held hands and wrapped arms around each other like couples, we even kissed, many times. I wasn't in a rush, but if Fred thought that we were ready to take the next step, I wouldn't exactly turn it down.

"Hey Y/N!" I quickly spin around, hearing the voice of one of my close friends. I detach myself from Fred and walk over to the boy, "CED!" I shout, laughing as he pulls me for a hug. "You alright?"
"Yeah. I just wanted to give you a hunch for the next task? Have you figured out the next task yet?" He asks, releasing me, but keeping me from moving back.
"No, to be honest I haven't thought about it." I laughed.
"Well. Since you warned me about the dragons, I figured I owe you one. But I also know that your the most stubborn girl ever, so take your egg up to the prefect bathroom, and run it over in the hot water." With that, he spins on his heel and winks, before I even get a chance to say my thanks.

Looking back at Fred is both annoying and humerus at the same time. He stares ahead of me at the place Cedric had just been standing. With a slight chuckle, I walk back over to my jealous boyfriend and wrap my arms around my neck, his smile and loving arms appear, but the hint of jealousy is hiding underneath them.

"I love you Freddie. Your the one I want." I remind him.
The anger disappears completely, "I love you Y/N. Always."

We had just reached the prefects bathroom after changing into our swimwear, Fred insisted that he was coming with me, something about, moral support. Although, George had pointed out that it was because he wanted to see me in a bikini again. Yeah, George has now got a headache from the harsh slap he received from Fred.

So that's what brings us here. Just about to enter the bathroom, egg in one hand, my other connected with Freds.

The bathroom door opened to the usual large room, that only prefects were allowed to enter. The large bathtub, the size of a swimming pool, the hundreds of large taps surrounding the area. Hot water and colourful bubbles started to poor out the taps, having turned them on.

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