Chapter 55- interview

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Warning: Talk of broken bones:

Freds pov:

"Hey Freddie." She laughed. "You look pretty."
"Jesus. What the hell did you give her?" I questioned the nurse who was sat at the side of Y/N. Y/N had still refused to come off the broom, unless they told her that she could go to the party, she also had her captains speech to make, and made it very clear that she was going to be doing it.
"A very strong potion, it might make her a little out of it for about 10 minutes, she should be fine after that though, she's snapped her back in a few places, and after falling from that height, it's going to take some mending. It was a really stupid thing for her to do." The nurse explained.
"Hey! It wasn't stupid, I won didn't I?" Y/N said, I just had to laugh, the tears were still down my face from my worrying.

"Fred! Fred! Is she alright?" My mum suddenly came rushing into the room, to see the girl clinging to the broom stick, who's back was in bits, "gosh! My darling, are you alright?"
"Hey Mrs Molly Weasley, woah, I like that name. Mrs Mum Molly. Hahaha." Y/N had flown over to where my mum was stood.

My mums gaze met mine, as the others entered. All rushing around towards Y/N. Currently, the entire English quidditch team was here, along with all her family and friends.
"Woah, you see that." She said to the nurse, "people love me. I told you. I told you people love me. And I love Freddie. Freddie's my boyfriend."
The nurse just chuckled and pretended to go along with the girl, she then turned to me, "If you can at all think of a way to get her off the broom, please do so. I think if she's going to listen to anyone, it'll be you."
I nodded, and so made my way over to Y/N, "you know, Oliver, I've missed youuuuuuu! Was you impressed. You know, I impressed myself."
Oliver shook his head laughing.
"Freddieeeeeee." She said, "I want a cuddle."
Perfect opportunity, "Y/N you can have a cuddle if you get off the broom."
"What? Noooo! I've got my speech to make. I was going to start it, 'thank you team, for putting up with me'. How does that sound?"

"Excellent love, now if you get off your broom, and let them put your bandages on, you'll be able to make your speech." I said, moving the hair out her face. She groaned, before redirecting her broom to the bed, and rolling onto it, on her stomach. "You have 5 minutes and then I'm making my speech, and getting absolutely shit faced drunk."
I laughed and signalled for my mum to call the nurse, who did so quickly and came running into the room. The nurse threw a thankful look my way, and began to wrap Y/N in bandages, who began to laugh like a little child. It was as if she'd had a long night of drinking.

A few minutes later, an exaggerated groan, came from the girls mouth, as she tossed and turned on her stomach, trying to get herself comfy.
"Fuck." She exclaimed, rubbing her back. It had became more apparent that the effects of the potion were wearing off, she was acting more like herself, and less of an idiot.
"You alright love?" I walked over to the bed, and laid down with her, noticing the muggle TV. I quickly switched it on, as she mumbled a quick, "fine." And turned my attention to watching the show, hoping that Y/N might do the same, and hopefully relieve some pain.

News report:

Hello and welcome. Top of today's news, England has made an excellent approach to the new season of the quidditch World Cup, receiving victory over last years champions.

It appears that Captain Wood, has taken her role to the next level, demonstrating both skill and determination back to the team. The new found victory is all well and good, but when England's seeker got injured, attention turned to Wood, who fell just over 50 feet. Well, not fell, more like jumped. The captain was rushed off the pitch, and crowds refuse to leave the stadium. With no update on the girl, we wonder, will this be England's only shining time.

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