Chapter 119- Not worth living

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Not Worth Living:

This chapter contains descriptions of death and suicidal thoughts.
Please read at your own risk.

Freds Pov:
I guess heaven wasn't so bad after all.
It's a nice place really.
What these muggles talk about.

Though they didn't quite get it right.

I mean sure it was clean, it was comfy.
It was alright.
A ceiling full of never ending stars that covered the nights sky.
It was stunning actually.

I don't know why I'd even fear death. Not if I knew before that this was what it was.
All but an endless nights sky filled with stars.

I'd considered all sorts of possibilities.
Being reborn as a frog or some stupid shit like that.
Pure darkness, no light to be found.
Even dementors swirling around my entire body as evil cackles sounded in my ears.
All scary.
Yet this was the most peace I'd had in a very long time.
This was like the feeling I got when I was in Y/N's arms as she whispered sweet nothings in my ears.
The feeling I got when I lay my head on her stomach listening to the heartbeat of our children and feeling them kicking against my skin.
The feeling I got on every walk we'd ever been on together, her hand in mine around the black lake at Hogwarts.
If this was what death was, I could deal with it.
I just hoped she'd be with me by my side one day.

But peace doesn't last long.



I screamed as I felt a cold liquid splash against my skin, vivid memories of the time when Y/N tipped water on me to wake me up.

How George's face had appeared in heaven, I'd never know.
I hoped he wasn't dead.

"Bloody hell George! You got yourself fucking killed?" I screamed.
I noticed that he looked like complete and utter shit. His eyes with massive bags under them. His lip bloody and face scratched.
His ginger hair now black with soot and muck.

"Fucking hell Fred!" He yelled in return, laying himself on my chest and clinging on tight to me.
Jeez what's this guys problem.
"I thought you were fucking dead!"

So I wasn't dead.
I didn't know whether to feel relieved or annoyed that my peace had been shattered.

"I'm not dead?" This time my voice came out in a groan, my throat stinging to speak and I'd literally sounded like a frog.

"No you aren't fucking dead." George sobbed. Honestly you'd have thought someone had died at the rate he was crumbling.

I let out a chuckle, still not aware of the current situation around me, or what had happened previous to me waking.
"Hey where's Y/N? Not had the babies has she?"

And what I didn't think was possible was for George's face to drop.
For him to look even more saddened than by the possibility of me being dead.

And that's when the numbing sensation came over me.
The fear I felt as my heart thudded against my chest was unreal.
A pain like no other.
And as I shook, the memories came flooding back to me.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2023 ⏰

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