Chapter 82- New Ammortatia

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Today is the day I've been waiting for. It's been a full two weeks, and I have finally managed to steal Snape's key for the potions cupboard. I wanted to show my 'students' the Ammortatia and let them have a look at it for themselves.
Snape has dismissed me, mentioning his usual 'don't cause any trouble'. Rules along those lines anyway, I wasn't really paying attention to it.

I took a seat on the desk, waiting for the 5th years to arrive. I was glad it was Harry's class, not only do I know the majority of them, but I also get the privilege of making Harry admit his feelings for Ginny, encouraging Hermione and Ron, and also teasing Draco. All sounds good to me. I had set our the ingredients on each of the pairs desks, and left an instructions booklet on the table.

When the class arrived the excitement kicked it, and everyone began to discuss the new potion they would be brewing 'illegally'.
Hermione made her way over to my desk, as usual, the only one to look slightly hesitant.
"Are you sure this is safe Y/N?" She asks, "they must have banned it for a reason. Surely you can't do this, you'll get in so much trouble, you could be expelled."
I only laughed, "Hermione, I couldn't care less about being expelled right now. I'm more bothered about Voldemort. I couldn't care less about Umbitch, and I'd quite gladly kill her. If my dad can survive 12 years in Azkaban, I'm sure I can. Besides, I'd probably be able to break out quicker, see if I could beat his record time."
I offered her a smirk, to which she just shook her head, a faint smile tracing her lips.

I addressed the class, "right, I think it's fairly obvious what we are doing. So get on with it. I know that when I made this, the worst thing about it was fetching the ingredients, in fact, I do believe I sent one of the boys. So I've placed them on your desks. If the toad decides to make an appearance, and examine my 'teaching', no one is to speak, you leave the bitch to me. Alright?" The class nodded and gave a small chuckle. Harry and Ron sent me mischievous smirks, and even Draco laughed.
I watched Hermione as she began to work, her potion skills were quite good. She had a way of working to time as well.

She was obviously the first one to finish, done before the others could even get half way through.
"Maybe you should smell it?" I said, and to my shock, the girl leant down and inhaled the smell. Her cheeks blushed red, and she gasped. I sent her a sly grin, to which she didn't react, too focused on the potion before her.

"What is going on here?" I looked up to see the bitch herself stood at the door. A devilish smirk met my face, as I prepared myself for some fun.
"Why Dolores, how lovely to see you on this fine afternoon." I laughed.
"Miss Wood, do you not know that it is forbidden to make Ammortatia at school?" She asked, her voice stern but the smile still sickly sweet.
"Hmm. They might have mentioned it." I said, pretending to think, "but why do you feel to remind me? It's obviously not Ammortatia, or does it smell like rat in here to you?"
"You know full well that you aren't allowed to teach this here! Mark my words, I will get you kicked out of another blasted school!" The woman threatened, ignoring my before comment.
"How unfortunate." I mocked, taking a stroll around the classroom, where the class was watching in amusement. "You know me well Dolores, and I really shouldn't have to remind you what happened last time you decided to get smart with me. We wouldn't want to repeat that, would we?"
The memories of those years ago could be seen flashing through her eyes, and she appeared to shudder at the thought.

The woman turned around, and hurried out of the classroom, mumbling under her breath.
I laughed and sat back behind Snape's desk, putting my feet up and watching the class who were now staring at me.
"What?" I asked, and they quickly began to get back to work.

"Alright then." I said, clapping my hands together and looking at the heads that snapped up to meet mine. "Everyone take a sniff. Write down what you smell, and then have a little panic about who it is. That's what happened to us." I laughed.
They did just that, and the different emotions scattered on their faces were amusing.

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