Chapter 16- hello big brother

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Warning: Some parts readers might find upsetting. Mentions of cuts as well

Y/N pov:
I'm currently sat on the sofa with Freddie in the Gryffindor common room.
"Are you sure that it'll be ok with Molly Fred? I don't want to be a burden or anything. Plus I stayed last year, I feel so bad."
"Darling. I've already spoken to mum, she said it's absolutely fine. And if it wasn't, I'd just sneak you up to my room anyway." He replies laughing.

I still get butterflies, every single time he calls me darling. Or says something even remotely flirtatious, even though I knew he was joking, it felt so real.

Hermione, Harry and Ron had just come into the room. Me and Harry were getting along really well recently. After finding out that we were practically cousins, we'd gained a really strong relationship. Guess I had my dad to thank for that. The only problem was, he had become really protective of me, and at the slightest little time someone flirted with me, most likely Fred, he jumped in.

"Weasley, off my sister!" He shouted, walking further into the room. Fred was hardly doing anything, he only had his hand on my shoulder.
Fred put his arms up in surrender.

"Y/N, Fred, ready to go? Train leaves in 10" Ron said, gesturing towards the door. I run up to my room accompanied by Fred who insists on carrying my trunk.
"Why thank you kind sir." I laugh,
"The pleasures all mine m'lady."

We headed down to the station where we would be travelling home. I'd never actually been on a train, as we always used the floo network to get around. Standing on the platform we see all our friend, waiting to get on, looking around worriedly.
"What's wrong?" Fred asks as we approach. George and Lees worried looks turn to smirks, with Harry and Ron share a look of disgust, Hermione and Ginny just laugh at the situation.
"Have fun up there guys?" Lee asks, raising his eyebrows with a smug expression.
"What?" I ask.
I nudge Fred indicating to play along. He smirks, obviously getting the joke.
"We did actually." Fred smirks.
Gasps could be heard from all of our friends, Lee and George had dropped their smirks and had a pure look of shock.

Then my attention turned to Harry, he looked murderous. I walked over to him and placed my arms around his waist, "hey bro, Hazza come on, he's kidding."

"I swear to fucking god Weasley!" Without he lunges at Fred and tackled him to the ground. People were laughing at the boys, rolling around on the platform.
"You dicks." I shouted, pulling them off each other by the ears.
"IM WRITING TO YOUR MOTHER FRED!" Harry shouts, Fred tried to tell him it was a joke, but he was already boarding the train with Ron and Hermione.

"Anyway darling." Fred turned to me and took my hand in his, "let's head off, lady's first."
He helped me into the train and we ran down the halls to where George and Lee had already found a compartment.

I began to get really nervous as I didn't know what to expect. Fred caught up on my actions as he sat across from me, Lee by my side.
"Are you alright darling?" He said.
"Yeah, erm, totally stupid but would now be the wrong time to tell you I've never actually been on a train." I say shyly.

"What." George and Lee gasped.
"That's alright darling. There's nothing to be afraid of, it's just like a broom, except you just sit here and it pulls itself." Fred says.
I give him a weary look and Lee wraps his arm around me.

Suddenly the train begins to pull away from the station, I'm at such a shock that I go flying forwards, just happening to meet a certain ginger. I'm now on top of Fred, as I swear I see a blush. Sniggers are made from George and Lee and I quickly scramble to my feet. "Sorry Freddie. Shit." I say quickly, feeling my face heat up in embarrassment.

He gains control of himself and just plainly says, "it's alright Y/N, no harm done. Should have warned you to hold on at first." I laughed with him.

Pregnant by a Weasley: FredxreaderWhere stories live. Discover now