108- Madeye Moody.

953 21 12

Warnings: Description of injury.

Fred's POV:



"The real one." Moody grumbled, "WHERE THE DEVIL ARE YOU ANYWAY?"

Harry raised his hand, mid way through changing.

"You'll be going with Hagrid. He's outside."
Harry nodded at the order, me and George pouring at not being able to ride on Sirius's motorcycle.

It seems that he too seemed to be a little pissed that he couldn't ride his motorcycle, it had been around 15 years since he'd seen the bloody thing.

It did mean, however, that he could get Buckbeak out of the house again, who had been cooped up for a very long time without being able to spread her wings. It wasn't fair, but no one was willing to risk her being caught by the ministry.

But times had changed. It wasn't the only illegal thing we'd be doing tonight.

It was safe to say that Hagrid got quite emotional when he was reunited with his old pal. He'd not seen her in pretty much four years, so given from his sobs he was quite surprised to see her.
No one ever had told him that she'd managed to get away.

"Sirius, that's George."

"Oh right, course."
He slapped me on the back, "you make sure that you get back to her Weasley."
"Course sir."

He held out his hand for me to shake, which I took willingly, "stay safe Weasley."
"And you."

"Right." Announced Moody, "chances are they know we're moving Harry tonight. Wouldn't be surprised if someone had let slip."
He spun around the room, eyeing every one of us. "And remember. You've all taken this risk tonight. Harry's the main priority and this is the difference between being aurors and simply going on missions. And out there, it's every man for himself. If I die, you carry on the mission. You do not turn back for me."

Mad-eye had always been straight to the point, always the one to put things bluntly. But that was a speech that was shocking to hear.
I cleared my throat awkwardly, trying to forget about the load of depressing shit he'd just said.

"Freddie." I turned to look at my twin, raising an eyebrow, "I don't say it often, but I love you mate."
I nodded my head, pulling my best friend into a tight hug. "I love you. Stay safe."

I ended up being pared with my Tonks, being told that it was unsafe to be with someone we were extremely close to. That put my dad, Remus and Sirius off the table as protectors, though I didn't manage to persuade Fleur to switch with me.

I refused to speak as my dad came up to me, thinking I was Fleur and so patting me on the back.

We mounted our brooms, staying completely close to dad and following his orders on the directions and Moody's own instructions.

"Shouldn't take long now Fred." He called.
I stared ahead, an amused smile on my face, "you knew it was me?"
"You're my son, cause I do."

"Quiet night." Dad mumbled.
I hummed in  agreement "too quiet."

And it was like we'd completely jinxed it. The sudden quiet, peaceful night had turned into one of chaos and destruction, starting with a spell, headed straight at my dad.

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