Chapter 101- a special surprise

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Book open in my lap, I sat with my legs curled under me on the sofa, one hand supporting the book, the other rested on my stomach. I didn't look back when I heard the door opening and heavy footsteps walking towards me.
"Hello love." The ginger kisser my cheek, and sat down at the side of me, throwing his arm over my shoulder.
"Yea George?" I asked, finally looking up and smirking at the boy dressed in my boyfriends clothes.
"How did you know?" He sulked, pouting.
I rolled my eyes, "of course I know. I'm like one of the only people to be able to tell you apart. It won't work on me."

Stomps came from the stairs as an out of breath Fred Weasley came bolting into the room.
"Did she fall for it?" He panted, but at my smirk he knew he'd not accomplished the prank they had obviously been planning to do for a while.
George left the room laughing as Fred took his seat on the sofa next to me. His hand immediately found my growing stomach, something that I had grown used to him doing over the last fortnight.

"When's Poppy coming over?" He asked, nuzzling his head into my neck.
"I'd say about an hour." I replied softly, bringing my spare hand up to run my fingers through his hair.
"You need a hair cut." I laughed, playing with the curly bits of ginger hair.
He brought his head up to look at me and laughed slightly, "you love it."
"That I do." I admitted with a smile.

Fred stared into the raging fire in the corner of the room, his face twisted into one that could almost be nerves?
"What's on your mind?" I asked with a frown.
"Oh nothing." He shook his head and sat up straighter, his attention going straight back to my clothed belly.
"Fred." I warned.
He sighed dramatically, ruffling up his hair in what seemed to be nerves, "what if I'm not a good dad." He blurted suddenly.
I froze for a minute. Fred Weasley? A bad dad. How could he even think that?
"Freddie, you're gonna be a great dad." I laughed, "there's no one else I'd rather be the father of my child."
He smiled softly before frowning again, "but what if.... I mean, I'm not strict or anything. How am I supposed to parent a child when I act like one myself."

I placed a comforting hand on his chin, tilting his head to look me in the eyes. "Fred, not everyone is perfect. I'm certainly not. Do you really think that I'll be able to be strict? But we can get through it together. And this baby is going to be the happiest baby in the world, because it's got more family members that already love it more than anything. And there's only six people that know so far."

Sending that he wanted to change the topic, and that my words had comforted him, I questioned, "how about you invite mum over? Let her be here for the appointment, I'm sure she'd love to see it."
Fred laughed, "she's already got the picture of the first scan stuck to the fridge, of course she will."
"Go send her an owl then." I laughed.

He smiled in appreciation, running his hand over my stomach after lifting up my shirt. My belly was obviously swollen, but not enough to be suspected pregnant. In fact, if no one knew I'd say I had a fair chance of getting away with it. I closed my eyes with a sigh.
"She's growing." Fred commented. I smiled happily, but not failing to correct him, "he."
"Why are you so adamant it will be a boy?"
"Call it mothers feeling. I told you."

Fred scurried off to write a letter to his mum, a large smile forming back on his face.
I sighed and picked up the piece of parchment that had arrived earlier that day.


Miss Black,
Please arrange a team of aurors for a mission tomorrow night.

We believe it's a scheduled attack on the ministry- death eaters.



"Oh Y/N! How much you're growing!" Molly said as she stepped through the door, hugging me tightly from the side. With my permission she placed a hand on my belly, able to feel the small bump that had only recently found.

We led her into the apartment, heading for the living room where Fred was sat already with George, playing with his fingers in anticipation. They both got up to greet their mother- George with an excited little dance as he was told he could stay for the appointment, whilst Fred shook with nerves.

I sat myself down on the sofa, resting on the millions of pillows that Fred had seemed to set up for no particular reason. For the way he was treating me you'd think I was 9 months along.

"So you're finding out the gender soon?" Molly asked, taking a seat in one of the red armchairs.
"Well I'm 8 weeks along tomorrow, so not for a good while yet. I think that it's like 18 weeks when you can find out so not yet." I smiled.
"Course. How silly of me." Molly laughed, "I should know that you aren't 18 weeks along yet. So just a check up today?"
I nodded my head with a small smile that was nearly wiped off my face in panic.
A huge crash came from directly in front of us as Madam Pomfrey landed with a smile on her face and bag in hand.

"Y/N dear." She greeted, then smiled at the surrounding people.
"Poppy. How are you?" I smiled, standing up to hug the woman. I pretended not to notice as both Fred and George jumped up to help me up as if I would fall flat on my face any moment. I also didn't miss that Molly had a knowing smile on her face as she watched both of her sons hurry after me, the one thought running through her head being how Arthur had done that for her now 18 years ago.

"Right then." Poppy said, clapping her hands together and opening her bag, "let's get this show on the road."
I rolled my eyes, laying myself down on the sofa so that my back was flat. People crowded around me, trying to get a better view at what Poppy was going to be doing.
Fred squeezed my hand tightly, that I returned, smiling fondly at the man.

"Right Y/N. You know the drill." Madam Pomfrey said kindly, she had informed me that the ways wizards use to identify pregnancy aren't nearly as good as what muggles had invented. And so I felt the same coldness on my stomach as I had done almost 4 weeks ago now. The difference was, that instead of being connected to a machine, the device was connected to a small bulb, presumably one that would change colour and tell us the information.

"Right everything seems to be all well and good. You seem to be healthy and I can't detect any problems." She said as she ran the device over the gel on my stomach.
I looked towards Molly who had tears down her face again. Who'd have thought that she'd have been so emotional?
I then looked towards Fred, but furrowed my brows when I realised that he wasn't smiling or even looking at me, but was more looking at Poppy with his face filled with worry and concern.

Turning my head quickly, I realised that Madam Pomfrey shared the same look, only hers was filled with confusion as she ran the small stick up and down.
"What is it?" Fred was the one to break the silence, his tone direct and demanding but not meaning to sound harsh.
Poppy was snapped from her fixed daze. "I'm getting two heartbeats."
"That's good right?" George asked, "good for Y/N and the baby, right?"
No one answered George's question, instead I looked towards Fred who had a mixture of shock and confusion on his face.

"How strange." Poppy could be heard mumbling to herself, "it normally skips a generation."
"What does?" George worried, holding onto my hand- the one that wasn't in Fred's.
"Y/N." Poppy snapped her head towards me, a huge grin taking over her features, "you're having twins!"

Well shit.


Mini chapter but I didn't want to include the next chapter in this one.

But I hope you enjoy it anyway. Xx

Pregnant by a Weasley: FredxreaderWhere stories live. Discover now