Chapter 9- First game of the season.

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Currently in editing.
Only original versions available:

Warning: mention of blood and broken bones.


I wake up bright and early in the morning, ready my for the first game of the season. We are up against Slytherin. I got changed into my usual robes for breakfast. I let my long hair flow behind me in it's usual curls. I applied a little bit of light makeup. I walked into the boys room, slamming the door open and screaming "LET'S KICK SOME ASS!".

The three boys were still fast asleep, and I'd realized that Scott was still in his bed, normally he isn't. The now four boys all groan and sit up. Scott shoots up from his bed and makes a run at me. One thing I've learnt, is when an angry 6 foot boy runs at you, don't hesitate to fight back. I quickly shift into a lion, roaring at him. He instantly jumps back and hurries to hide behind Fred, who was now in the middle of the room. Shifting back, I move Fred aside, pull out my wand and push the scared boy against the wall glaring at him, "I'm telling you mate, take a run at me again and you'll have worse than a black eye." I threaten.

"Ha! I've not even got a black e.." I cut him off by sending my fist flying straight into his eye. "No, but you will in an hour." Lee laughs. I release the boy, who goes running through the door, tripping up on the stairs. "That was brilliant Y/N!" George screams.

"Thanks Georgie it felt good as well" I laugh, "Anyway, as I was saying, let's go out there and kick some ass!" i scream yet again.

"Hell yeah!" the boys reply.

After a while, we are sat at breakfast. As we enter the hall, brooms in hand, everyone cheers. But when the Slytherin team enters they receive 'boo's' from the other houses. "Y/N EAT!" Oliver yells, knowing that I haven't even touched my toast. I have also noticed that he hasn't touched his plate either.
"What? It's not like your eating anything!".
"I am captain, and you will do as I say, sister or not" He replies. Like he has control of me. No chance in hell. "Now you listen to me, you eat, I'll eat. No discussion about it!" He scoffs before pulling some eggs onto his plate, I take a bite from my toast. Fred smirks at me.
"Your hairs purple darling." He laughs.
"Pissed-off?" Lee laughed.

Fred Pov:

We head down to the changing rooms, that we all share. I know it's bizar that boys change with the girls, but it's always been this way. We begin to change, and before I could realise what I'm doing, my eyes are drifting towards Y/N. She's stood in her bra as she talks to the other girls about the plays, as she is pulling her jersey over her head. Her pale skin shone as I watched her small 5,3 frame. I try to distract myself by talking to George, but yet again my eyes wonder to her. George notices and doesn't restrain from saying, "See something you like over there Freddie?"

"No George. I don't like her that way. I was just um, listening the the plays she's planning." George just laughs, he's about to say something before getting interrupted by Oliver, "Right team, this is my last chance to win the cup! Gryffindor hasn't won in over 20 years, but we need to make sure we do this time, for my, I mean for our sake. Otherwise, the Slytherins will never let us live it down, and then we'll all fail in life, become those who've never won! Live a world of shame!"

"What my brother is trying to say is" Y/N interrupts, let's go out there and show those Twats whose in charge here!" Screams erupt as she hypes up the team. She's full of confidence, one of the many things that I admire about her. Oliver laughs at her before running over some of the drills. Before long, we are dragged onto the pitch as Lee announces the teams.

"That's it for the Slytherin team, and now BRING ON THE GRYFFINDORS!" there's loads of cheering. 'GO, GO, GRYFFINDOR, GO, GO, GRYFFINDOR!"

"And for the Gryffindor team, Captain Wood as keeper, WEASLEYS as our beaters! JOHNSON as far left chaser, SPINNET as far right chaser, BELL as sub, POTTER as seeker. And finally newest member of the team WOOD AS CENTRE CHASER!" The crowd fell into cheers once again as we make our way to the middle of the pitch. I pull Y/N into a quick hug, "Good luck darling, don't go falling off."
"Really Freddie" she practically screams over the crowds loud cheering, "Don't forget to protect me" With that she turns on her heel, mounting her broom, and soaring off into the sky. She fires a wink my way, as I'm left speechless on the ground.

Pregnant by a Weasley: FredxreaderHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin