Chapter 97- I'm pregnant.

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Y/N's pov:

After the owl I received from Moody, I took the floo network straight to the ministry. I wasn't yet sure if it was safe to apperate, and didn't really want to risk it. I had to keep reminding myself, it wasn't just my life I was caring for now. But the life of another as well.

Lucky for me, the department I would be entering, was no where near the vail, nor was it near the room that Bellatrix's had dragged me through. It was on a busy floor, filled with many familiar aurors, as each smiled friendly towards me. I knew quite a lot of them, so the occasional cheery conversation was exchanged politely. But when I saw a girl that I had been waiting to see, I could help but break into a little run as I welcomed her into a hug.
"Y/N!" She replied in just the same cheery tone.

"How are you?" She asked, pulling away from me, "I meant to visit you after everything went down, but couldn't get any spare time with all the attacks and everything."
I frowned, "they're that bad?"
She nodded sadly, before she conjured a big smile, "anyway, you're here to meet with Moody then?"
I nodded.
"Get ready Y/N. This is what you've been thinking of." She winked, picking up some parchment from a nearby desk and strolling back to work.

I shook my head with a laugh as I carried on towards the head aurors office. When I saw that 'Moody' was engraved on the door, I knocked loudly, signalling my arrival.
The door opened loudly, instantly, nearly scaring me out of my skin.
I smiled brightly at the auror, and I was sure I could see even the faintest smile on his face.
"Miss Black." He opened the door wider, allowing me to step into the office, and pointed to a nearby chair, "thank you for making it on such short notice."
"Not a problem sir, nice to get away from the boys every so often. Pretty much jumped at the chance."

He laughed slightly before clearing his throat, and returned to rummaging papers around his desk, "now I'm assuming that you would like to know why you're here?"
I nodded.
"You see Miss Black. As I'm sure you are aware, the attacks are worsening, he's striking much more. Our aurors can't handle it. 25% of them are in St Mongus. We're pretty much on par for losing the war. And I'll be damned if I let that happen on my watch." He explained.

"So what do you propose?" I asked, crossing my arms over my chest and leaning back in my seat.
"Straight to the point. I like it." I raised a brow, causing him to become more serious. Was I possibly detecting a hint of nerves? "You see, there's a lot of aurors under my control, Miss Black. Yet you are the only person that I've heard Albus talk so highly of."
I hummed in acknowledgement, "me and Albus aren't the greatest of friends."
"No." He paused, "but he thinks you'll get the job done."
"And what job are we talking about." I sat up a little straighter.
"Put it this way. I can tell already that you don't take any shit. And I can tell that you'd be willing to help us." He started, "I want to give you a job to put it bluntly. You won't continue your auror training, because I don't think you'll need it. Instead I want you to be in control of your own team to direct missions for."
I nodded, "count me in."

He looked surprised, "you don't want to think it over first?"
"Why should I need to?" I asked, "Old Riddle's getting stronger by the minute. He's growing much too cocky for my liking. We need to act now. And we need to act fast. So count me in."
"It's settled then. Welcome to the team Miss Black." He outstretched his hand, which I shook in approval. "I'll contact you."

I left the office with a wide smile on my face. It had really just hit about what he was offering me, and for the first time in my life- I was proud of myself. But that didn't mean that the reality wasn't there. Because if before I didn't realise it, I have now.

'Attacks are worsening.'

'He's striking much more'

'25% of our aurors are in st mongus.'

Pregnant by a Weasley: FredxreaderWhere stories live. Discover now