Chapter 25- the cup

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Mention of broken bones

Y/N pov:
"Y/N, for gods sake get up!" I felt someone shaking my shoulders violently.
"Piss off."
"Y/N it's the day of the cup! We've got to get going! We've got to walk to the port key."
I recognised the voices of both Hermione and Ginny.
"Get lost losers I'll apperate." I say.
"Y/N, you may have got your apperating license before you should but that doesn't mean you have to be lazy!"
I had gotten my license from Dumbledore after he had found out about me saving Bill.
"It's fine by me." I say.

The two girls huff and leave the room.
"Y/N darling. Come on. You've got to come with us, it'll be boring without you. Plus you know where it is and you can introduce us to your famous people."
"For gods sake Fred. I'm up." He had begun bouncing up and down on my bed.
"Good, now join me downstairs for breakfast." He said.

I forced myself up and got ready. Normal hair, normal make up, but I pulled on Freds jumper over my clothes before walking downstairs.

"Good morning, I hope you slept well." Molly beamed as I entered the family sat at the table. They were all laughing at me.
"Yeah great thanks Molly did you?" I received a yes thank you reply before taking my usual seats.
"Where's Bill, Charlie and Percy?" I ask.
"They're apperating." Ron said.
"What! They're allowed to apperate! So you got me up when you know full well I don't have to walk." I moaned slamming my head on the table.

"She really doesn't like mornings does she?" Ginny said to George.
"That's why her and Fred make the perfect couple." He replied, echoing laughter farting around the kitchen.
I groaned in frustration not having the will power to fight back.

Tons of sweets emerged from the twins pockets as Molly went ballistic at them.

After what felt like an eternity of arguing, Arthur announced it was time to go, so I quickly ran upstairs, to get the tickets, leaving the other three on the counter for the boys. We bid Molly goodbye and Fred and George trailed at the back of everyone.
"Cheer up guys. Come on we will persuade her eventually." I said.
"Yeah but Y/N those really were the last ones! We spent 6 months doing those, making them, testing them, making antidotes and now they've all gone to waste!" Fred moaned.
"Look, your the Weasley Twins. The best pranksters I know, other than myself of course. So I'm positive that we can recreate the rest of them,"

"The rest of them?" They asked in sync.
I pull out a handful of the sweets I had managed to grab off of the kitchen counter, "you really think I don't know talent when I see it?" I laugh.

I got pulled into hugs as one of the boys speak to me, "how will we ever repay you?"
It was Fred being sarcastic as usual.
"Turn around." I say.
With that I hop onto his back, "onward" I say, pointing to the others. He laughs as he carries me along to the group.

Eventually we reach the top of the hill to see a man I've grown to love. "Bout time Arthur."
Amos Diggory. I jump of Freds back to greet the man.
"Some of us had a sleepy start." He said, looking around towards me. When Amos saw me, he ignored the rest of the group and ran towards me, pulling me into the tightest hug ever, "Y/N how lovely to see you again. What a gorgeous young woman you've become. I couldn't believe it when Ced told me about your quidditch, you really did make it Y/N"

"Thanks Amos, where's Ced?" I ask.
Just then, a boy jumped from the tree, shaking hands with Arthur and making his way over to me, "there's my bestie." He laughed.

We did the handshake we made when we were little and made light chatter for a while.
He turned to Fred and George, "hey Fred, hey George." He held out his hand for them to shake.
"Hey Cedric." George shook the boys hand.
"Pretty boy." Fred nodded towards him.
Cedric rolled his eyes before excusing himself to catch up with his father.

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