Chapter 12- the truth

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Y/N pov:
For the first time since I've arrived at Hogwarts, I've left Freds side. He didn't seem very keen on the idea, but I was certain that I was going to see Molly. And I was going to see Molly alone.

Luckily I find her, already at the feast. After very quickly eating, I ask if she wanted to go a walk, which she quickly agrees to.

"Molly, I just wanted to say I'm sorry. When they asked me who I should put down as my guardian last time I got hurt, I just felt the words come out of my mouth. I wasn't thinking straight and I'm unbelievably sorry that I didn't ask you before hand." I say turning to her and interrupting the silence.

"Y/N dear, I am absolutely honoured. I consider you a part of my family now, your like a daughter to me Y/N. I'm so happy to know that you trust me."

We give each other a quick hug and laugh, nothing the twins and Lee's heads popping around from the side of the tree. As they meet our gazes they quickly turn around pretending not to notice us here.

"You know he's never left your side" Molly turns to me. "I've never seen him like that Y/N. Around a week ago, he completely broke, lost all hope of you waking up. He fell on his knees in front of me and just cried. I've not seen him cry since he was five. It's nice to see him smile again. To see him laugh with his brothers. He's always been a jokester Y/N, but his face has never lit up the way he looks at you.
Forgive me for asking but, are you two together?" Molly asks catching me off guard.

I'm speechless.
"Um, no we aren't." I reply bluntly.

"And may I ask Y/N, this stays between us. Do you like him?"

"Erm well, yes I'm afraid I do. Sorry" I'm suddenly extremely embarrassed.
"There's nothing to be sorry for Y/N. You are a lovely young woman, and I would be happy for you to be at my sons side. I'd also like to mention that he is head over heels for you. Never shuts up. I get about 3 letters a week from him telling me about you."

She continues, "I'll be honest with you Y/N. When Fred went to Hogwarts he never wrote to me, never kept in touch, George said he was constantly angry and sad all the time, didn't care about anything. He'd return home on holidays and shut himself in his room. All until he met you. I feel like after 5 years, I've got my son back. My happy, funny boy. The one we all loved dearly. And I have you to thank for that Y/N. For what it's worth, I really hope that you become a part of this family one day. You make each other happy, which as a mother, makes me very happy too."

"You know Molly, you've been more like a mum to me, than my real one. That's what I see you as. I see you as my mum." I reply.
She starts crying and pulls me into a hug. That's what we have between us, a mother- daughter relationship, and it's all over one boy.

I decide to pay Dumbledore a visit in his office, hoping he may be able to help me with understanding my situation.

I knocked loudly on the door, before it swung open. It revealed a rather cosy looking room, big portraits hung on the walls and lots of gadgets. In the middle of the room sat an elegant bird, feathers with shades like fire.

"Ah Y/N, I know why your here. I will be explaining quite a lot today, and I want you to promise me, to be open minded." Dumbledore said.
"I promise professor" I call.

"Y/N do you know what this is?" He was putting to a large bowl filled with blue swirling liquid. I just shook my head.
"This is a pensive, it allows you to relive your memory's. All I ask, is for you to place your head in the bowl, and you'll be taken into the memory. Remember it's not real, nothing can hurt you, and the memory will eventually fade and pull you back here."

And with that, I placed my head into the liquid, and was taken to a small room.

"She's not safe here Remus! They'll come looking for her! They're going to take her!"
"Sirius, you can't let her go! It will destroy you!"
"This isn't about me! It's about her. I love her more than anything and I can't risk anything happening to her. We need to keep her in hiding, before they get to her!"

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