"One of the unsubs may be killing in the name of God, so he's extremely unorganized. But the other is organized because he is tech savvy." Reid tells us.

"We don't have enough on this guy." Gideon mutters. JJ runs in and tells us someone called the police saying a man went to someone's house, but when the cops got there the suspect was gone." She explains.

"Only one person?" Prentiss asks.
"Did they describe what the suspect looked like?" I ask.
"Nope, but you guys can check out the person who made the call. Tobias Hankle." She says giving us his address.

"Okay Reid and JJ go check it out." Hotch says looking at his papers.

"You sure that's a good idea?" Gideon asks looking at how far me and Morgan are from each other.

"Okay Reid and Del la Cruz go ask him a few questions." Hotch orders. I get up and make my way to a SUV that was parked outside. I plop down in the drivers seat and motion for Reid to get in.

"Seat belt." I tell him in a singsong voice.


After the almost one hour drive we arrive at the farm like house, night already falling. I ring the doorbell and step back next to Reid. a tall lanky man opens the door and peaks his head out it.

"Hi, are you Mr. Hankle?" I ask him with a small smile on my face. The blonde haired man nods and says he is.

"I'm FBI agent Del la Cruz, this is agent Reid." I introduce.
"Can we come in?" Reid asks.

"I don't really let anyone into the house." Tobias answers. Reid shuffles next to me and stutters.

"Actually I really have to, um...you know. Go?" I look up at him trying to maintain my smile to Tobias.

"You do?" I ask him with a strained voice.
"Yea we were on the road for like an hour."
"I could've stopped the car, Reid." I tell him, embarrassed at how unprofessional we are being.

"Do you mind if he goes in just to use the bathroom? We can talk out here if you want." I try to persuade Tobias.

"My father doesn't like having people inside." He mumbles.
"Your father? You're like 30." Reid says jumping lightly in his spot.

"Don't matter my age, I don't disrespect my parents." Tobias counters. I clear my voice and start to ask him about the crime he witnessed a few months ago.

"You called the police." I tell him.
"I did?" He asks confused.
"You didn't?" I ask confused as well. "Is there another Tobias Hankle?"

"No just me and my father, Charles."
"We have a report on file that says it was you who called 9-1-1. You were walking a dog-" I start but he cuts me off.

"No, you're wrong. I don't have a dog."
"Okay well my apologies." I tell him smiling a fake smile, not believing a word he says.

"Can I please just use your bathroom." Reid begs but Tobias shakes his head and tells him 'sorry' before closing the door.

We walk down his porch and I look up at Reid.
"He's lying. We have it on record." I state and suddenly Reid stops walking.
"To see the response time. If you're gonna kill somebody you want to know how long you have until the cops show up." Reid tells me.
"4 minutes and 26 seconds." I whisper, putting the peices together.

He runs to the side of the house and looks into the window, with me following suit. We stop beneath the window and slowly peer our heads up to look inside. We see Tobias Hankle talk to himself and clear all his computer screens to people he's spying on. Tobias quickly spins around causing me to crouch back under the window, pulling Reid's sleeve down with me. Unfortunately, Reid was to slow to duck down, resulting us to be caught.

Tobias runs out his house and into the barn behind it. I take out my gun and run after him, Reid trailing behind me.

"Call Hotch" I tell Reid but responds that we have no service.
"Hotch knows we came here, right? So we split up. I go to the back and you stay here." He rushes but I shake my head.

"Reid that's not a good idea." I warn him.

"There's two entrances. We block both of them so he's trapped inside." He explains quickly before getting up and running to the back of the dingy barn.

"No, no, no." I whisper for him to come back, but it's too late he was too far. I huff out a breath and begin to open the front door with one hand, my gun aimed in the other.

I hear Reid call my name so I turn around, making the door close with a noisy creak. 

"He's out back. In the corn field!" He whisper shouts through the heavy wind. Suddenly a large noise makes me turn around and point my gun back up. The barn door opens due to the wind and I take a deep breath before walking in.

Once I enter the atmosphere changes. It drops 30 degrees and my thin shirt and pants aren't enough to keep me warm. I walk through, turning my flashlight on into the pitch black barn.

Chains that hang from the ceiling rattle due to the wind and the breeze hits my face. The loud noises of the metal clanking fills my ears as I look around the barn. I take collected steps, with my eyes darting around my surroundings until my boot steps into something wet causing my face to scrunch up in disgust. I look down and lift my now wet foot from a ankle deep puddle in the ground.

A puddle of blood.

I follow the blood to a thrown bed on the ground. Blood covers it whole and chunks of blonde hair, earrings, and scraps of clothes are layed messily ontop of it. I gag but stop when I hear low growling. Four blood soaked dogs bark loudly and start running towards me from all different angles. I try to shoot them all but the last one from behind me grabs hold of my leg, bitting right through my flesh. I let out a cry of pain as I try to get the dog to let go of my calf.

The dog drags me on the dirty floor and continues to bite my right leg. I let out another scream and try to control my shaky hands in order to shoot the dog. Once my aim was perfect I fire my gun, making my ears ring slightly.

"Isla!" I hear Reid call my name but he never comes. 

I sigh in pain and push the large dog's lifeless body off me weakly and try to stand up. Blood gushes out of a my leg and I whimper biting down on my lip to stop me from crying in pain. I take a few steps forward but fall due to the amount of blood lost. I crawl towards the sound of voices being called to see Tobias holding a gun to Reid's head.

His voice changes as if he has two people in him, then it hits me.

He has split personalities. Raphael isn't real.

I yell causing them both to look at me as I grab the side of the barn for stability.

"Let Reid go! Take me! I'm a sinner!" I tell Tobias grabbing my leg so I can walk towards them. I collapse next to Reid and sigh in exhaustion.

"Take me. Please." I beg.
"Isla no. What are you doing." Reid cries from next to me.
"I'm a sinner. I used to be a prostitute!" I yell at Tobias. His face forms into one of disgust but I all I can feel are Reid's eyes staring at me intently. I shake off his look, my eyes never leaving Tobias'.

"Another whore?!" He yells at me before he aims the gun at my head instead of Reid's. I let out a sigh of relief and close my eyes briefly.

"Tobias let Reid go. Then you can do whatever you want to me." I plead smiling through the blood that's smeared over my face.

Tobias' face contorts from angry to guilt, as his gun now trembles in his hand.
"I don't want to kill you." He cries and I sit up a bit slowly.
"I know you don't Tobias. It's Raphael right? He wants you to kill us." I say, trying to understand how his mind works. He nods before his face changes again.

"Don't listen to her son, we must cleanse her." He says with a sneer before retreating his hand back and slapping me with the cold gun, knocking me out.


I know in the show only Reid gets kidnapped but for the sake of my story it's important for her to get kidnapped as well.

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Word count: 2076

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