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Xea's POV

I looked up to prevent myself from crying. I took a deep breath and faced Hyunjin "I hope this is the last time you will do this. Let's pretend that we both don't exist just like what we always do. I'm sorry"

"Xea!" Blake shouted but I ignored him

I quickly left the room and ran to the rooftop as fast as I can, not looking at any people that I bumped to. I locked the door of the rooftop and sat there as I felt my tears started falling.

I am tired. I can't take this anymore. I feel like giving up but I won't. This is too much. I just want to have a normal life. I've been through a lot and suffered a lot. After my Dad died, I became hopeless but still living my life because of my siblings. I kept quiet for all the years that Hyunjin put me through. I never complained nor talked bad about it. I owe his Dad a lot for sponsoring me, and I thought I also owe him. I've always wanted to confront him but I never did. I am so tired of my life. When this will stop?

"Xea, it's Hanjae. Can you open this door?" he asked behind the locked door

I closed my eyes and calmed myself. I wiped my tears away and fixed myself as I opened the door and saw Hanjae.

"Are you okay? I saw you running out of that room. Did he do something to you?" he asked and looked at my eyes "I'm here. You can-"

I hugged him tight and started crying. I am not talking nor crying out loud. I just keeping it low and I don't want anyone to hear it. I just don't want them to see me and think that I have a weak spot, that I got tired and want to give up.

"That's fine. You can cry. Everyone can cry. You are not different from us. We all have a weak side. You kept it inside you" he whispered right through my ears and kept caressing my back "I am here. I am always here. You can lean on me whenever you want. Just tell me what you wanted me to do. I will do it no matter what it is"

I stopped crying and calmed myself as I let go of the hug "Thank you but it will be nice if no one can hear about this"

"You don't have to worry about that" he smiled and pat my head

I smiled and walked downstairs as I kept fixing myself. I wore my eyeglass to at least prevent anyone to notice my puffy eyes. Everyone is busy, minding their own business as I walked at the hallway-

"Xea!" Felix called

I didn't talked nor smiled and just acted like normal.

"Are you okay?" he asked

I saw bandage covering his hand "What happened?"

"It's okay. I just got-" Felix

"What happened?"

"I'll tell you later. Let's go home together" he smiled and pinched my left cheek "I hope I get hurt everyday"


"I hate to see you worried but I also love to see this side of yours. You seem like a different person" Felix


After our class ended, I left the classroom not even saying goodbye to my friends. I didn't say anything nor said hi to them which is normal for me but I know they can feel that something is wrong with me. They are not just talking about it. This is what I love about them. They are giving me space and time to think whenever I needed it.

I waited in front of Felix's car. I decided to drive his car for him since he can't use his hand. No wonder I saw the familiar guy earlier that he always rent to drive him whenrver he is tired or what.

Felix waved at me and smiled as he saw me and ran towards me "Aren't we gonna take the public transpo?"

"No, I'll drive you then I'll ride a cab-"

"No way. You will drive to your house and then I'll rent someone to drive me car to my house. How's that?" Felix asked

I just nodded and got in his car. He also did the same and I started driving away from the school.

"What happened to your hand?"

"You were right. That old man harrassed Vea yesterday, and I saw him forcing Vea to enter his car. I intentionally hit his car using mine, I was still in shock because of the crash I did but I punched him in the face two times and drove Vea home. I forced my hand that's why..." Felix

"You should've been more careful. I never told you to put yourself in danger-"

Felix started laughing so loud.

"Why are you laughing?"

"I told you I love it when you are worried of me. You are so different. I still know that the Xea I met before, is still inside you. I know you are still that girl but kept pretending to be some cold warrior" Felix

I rolled my eyes.

"Also, when I heard you worrying about me earlier. I had second thought that you feel the same way like me" Felix took a deep breath and bit his lower lip "This feels nice"

"What do you mean?"

He looked at me and smiled "I like you, Miyashi"

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