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Xea' POV

"Xea, are you gonna announce the outing in Hyunjin's class?" Keya asked

"Of course, she will! Who else would do it? Not unless Vea wants to do it to see Felix?" Phiya said and took a glance of Vea

"You spoiled brat. Will you stop venting out your anger to me?! You're always interferring" Vea rolled her eyes

"You are such a bitch! You hit Xea on her head and tied her up. Are you stupid?! Are you expecting us to be nice to you?!" Phiya shouted back

"You're not part of the officers!" Vea

"But I suit to be here than you. You are useless and you didn't even helped them. You are a bitch" Phiya said like no one will scare her at all

Vea stood up and was about to slap Phiya-

"Stop it, will you?!" Blake shouted

She rolled her eyes and left the room

"She didn't even do anything but she is trying to act like a bitch" Keya rolled her eyes as well

"Is it true that Vea hit you and tied you up?"Phiya asked me

"Hmm. Hyunjin saw her rushing out of my house. Then, he saw me unconscious in my room"

"Why is Hyunjin in your room?" Phiya asked again

Fuck. That sounds weird..

"To check up on her, even me if ever I will see Vea rushing out of the house, I will check up on her" Keya answered

"I'm sorry I was late" Hanjae said as he entered the room and smiled at me "So, is there anything I can help you with?"

"You should go with Xea in Hyunjin's class" Phiya suggested

"That's not a good idea. You are creating a war" Keya told her

"You said you want a love triangle. I present to you the love triangle of Hwang Hyunjin, Bae Xea and Moon Hanjae" Phiya laughed

"Go on" Blake told me

I took the forms with me but Hanjae took it from me and carried it. We were both quiet as we walk to the class we are assigned to. I don't know why I feel nervous but damn. This feels different. It feels like something is wrong.

"Good morning" Hanjae greeted the teacher

She went to us "Is it about the outing?"

"Yes, we are going to announce something and give out these forms"

We both entered the classroom that was noisy but became quiet as soon as they saw us entered. I looked at them to see if they are wearing proper uniform attire and I am glad to say they are, even Hyunjin's friends.

"Xea!" Jeongin called and waved at me

I smiled at him and focused to everyone "I am here to announce for our upcoming outing. I know it was so sudden but the day after tomorrow, we have to leave. If we will adjust the date of the outing, we are not able to focus on our activites in school. You don't have to worry, we already have the forms for you all to fill up, and we also needed your guardian's signature to make sure they are letting you go with us"

Hanjae gave it to the first row and let them pass it to the back "You just have to fill up the form tonight and give it back tomorrow. The outing will be held at Love Paradise, it has a perfect beach resort for us to enjoy, as well as their water activities. Since there are a lot of classes, we decided to fix the schedule so everyone can enjoy other activities as well"

"At the back of your form is our schedule that we need to follow while we are in the Love Paradise. We will also be having our mini concert and one class needs to have their representative to perform. It'll be nice if not just one by class, it can be two or three. The more the performance, the more fun it is"

"The seating arrangement for our bus seats, will be revealed the day of our outing. You have to be there as early as possible, if not you are not able to sit beside the person you want" Hanjae added

Jisung raised his hand "Is it one bus per class? Or random?"

"It is random"

"Thanks!" Jisung smiled widely because of my answer

I also noticed Minho secretly smiling at the back. I wonder if there's any progress between him and Keya.

The door suddenly opened and it created a loud sound that shocked everyone.

"Hwang Hyunjin-" teacher

Hyunjin ignored her entered wearing his uniform but all the bottoms were open and it shows his white shirt inside. His hair is kind of messy and his lips has wound.


Hanjae held my arm that made me stop "Let's go"

Good thing no one heard it when I called Hyunjin because he ignored me. I wonder if something bad happened in his house again. I hope he is fine.

"Thank you"

Hanjae and I left the classroom and went straight to the ssg room where my friends are but I saw Tyler with them.

"What happened?" Hanjae asked him

"I saw Hyunjin block by the other kids on his way to the school. Hyunjin didn't even fought back. I tried helping him but I was beaten instead. Then, he came to realizatiom and helped me gt out of there. He looks so different earlier" Tyler said

"What made you say that?" Keya asked while treating his wound

Tyler took a deep breath"It seems like something is bothering him"

What is happening, Hyunjin?

A story that won't end | Hwang HyunjinOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora